I Won't Let You Show Me Off

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Nicki P.O.V

I'm about to be released from the hospital and my mom was by my side. Drake and Mama graham along with Kelsia left to who know where and I can totally understand with this whole problem right now. "You can stay a while with me I haven't changed up your room yet" I smiled she said yet I know she wanted to change my room into a gym since she's too lazy to go to the actual gym now a days.

"I don't know about that yet mom I still wanna finish talking to Drake its for the best" she sighed I feel like lately she's been tired of hearing about me and Drake and doesnt even care anymore if were together. "Honey he called not too Long ago saying him and Kelsia were leaving today" I was mad and angry he didn't say anything about bringing Kelsia.

What did he think I was gonna do have Wayne around her I wouldn't do such a thing I'm not that type of person. "Fine drop me home then I'll be alone" she nodded I was upset at her she could of told me earlier and I would of caught them but no she decided to be a butt and know I gotta fly to L.A. Right after I check with my doctor I still wanna have my baby.

"Call me if anything Onicki" I rolled my eyes and went inside taking a shower and changing into a track suit. Luckily my doctor was open this was more of a surprise appointment. "Hi sorry for the surprise its just I wanna see if I'm able to fly to L.A just for a couple of days" she smilied giving me some medication since I also told her about my pain. "Yeah but near your due date no you never know if you would be giving birth in the air" I jumped up happy my plan would be successful for sure.

I rushed back home and luckily a flight would be leaving at 7 so I had two hours. I packed a suitcase with neccassary clothing and little makeup maybe that would persuade him. I made a quick snack since I'm always hungry and headed off the airport.

~~~~~~~Hours Later Now In L.A ~~~~~~~~

This city is a little packed I didn't think this plan through. And If my eyes were fooling me Noah was at the end of the block on his cellphone. I checked it out and for sure it was him "Nicki what are you doing here" he was quick to shut off that phone call. "I'm surprised too now where's Drake he should of talked if he gonna bring a two year old to Los Angeles" he nodded leading me to a white jeep. "Just know that where were driving is the surprise Drake had for you when you guys moved down here" I didn't care anymore about surprises wedding but babies I did.

"Honestly Noah I'm mad as hell that I even has to come to this place when I wanna do do is sit my fat ass self on my couch setting the Vow and sitting eating tubs and tubs of ice cream" he laughed pulling into a driveway of a three story blue painted house with white wide windows. "Damn I'm a little less angry now" this house was big way too big how many kids does he think I'm gonna have honestly.

"From the words of Drake he said she gonna be making me quite a lot of babies" I covered my laugh I don't even have to be talking to him but hearing what he says and does makes me smile honestly. "Okay stop I'm suppose to be mad" we entered a barely furnished home thank god. "Yo Noah your looking at a new young money rapper" he shouted from somewhere in the house.

"I knew it from the start" he dropped my bags at the door and went probably to go meet with Drake. Of course he was in the kitchen I stood in the door frame since his back was to us. This kitchen was fucking huge but that wasn't the point. He finally turned around and was surely shocked to see me. "Hello fiancée shocked to see me here aren't you?" He nodded setting down a frying pan "What are you even doing here let alone why" I laughed he wasn't quite reckless.

"I'm not gonna front but you taking Kelsia with you wasn't in the conversation just because me and you may not be together st the moment doesn't give you right to make me lonely at the house." I sat down at a bar stool since pregnant people get kankles. He didn't say a word and I wasn't even finish giving my speech.

"And then you get disrespectful all of a sudden like we ain't go no history but I guess that's the new you huh" I got up throwing the engagement ring at him and running up the stairs to the third floor which was hard to find. "I didn't come here to be disrespected I understand how mad he is but I wasn't to him about Kaitlin because I understand and know its his turn.

"Nicko are you up here" Drake said and I didn't even answer I owukd of to Noah because he didn't get all reckless on him he was rather helpful and nice. He came up anyway since I couldn't stop crying something else I couldn't stop. He sat in front of me with ice cream why must I be pregnant at this moment he's bribing me and the baby.

I took it eating away my pain and sadness "Why you crying and throwing rings at me I will never know" I rolled my eye throwing the extra spoon at him. "Why are you talking to me Aubrey you shouldn't be hitting on single pregnant women" he rolled his eyes licking off my finger. "Now you taking things the extra mile like crazy like you always do."

"I would repeat my last sentence but I don't feel like talking to strangers right now" he got starting to leave and I just started crying even harder damn my hormones. "You never want to me leave and I never want to" he sat next to me in silence we didn't talk but ate the ice cream and slept.

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