Chapter 3: "Two days left until Madrid."

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I went to my friend by bicycle, on my way to my friends house I was checking if I had everything I needed and I was counting my money. At this moment I realised why it is important to have a job as a teenager, you're not depended on your parents and their money. Fortunately, I had a job as tutor, I earned twenty euros per hour and I didn't spend anything of it, because my parents always paid what I wanted, so now I have more than two thousand euros in my wallet, that's more than enough for seven days in Madrid.

 My best friend lives like five minutes away from me, and I know for sure that her house will be the first place my parents will look for me, when they'll notice that I left, so I'm not going to her house, I'm going to Lucia's house, my parents don't know her, so they'll never find me. After forty five minutes of cycling I finally arrived at her home. I knocked on the door and she opened, I were so lucky, because her parents went out for three days, so Lucia was home alone. I explained everything to Lucia and she was really happy for me and told me that I can stay, ofcourse. She has never cared about football or Real Madrid, but she knows how much it means for me. 

We enjoyed our day together, watched movies, talked about typical things, ate junkfood and so on. At night I skyped with my squad again, I introduced Lucia to them and told them that I left my house for some reasons, then they all started worrying. And saying things like:"Oh Eleánore, what you're doing is wrong. You should've explained everything better to your parents and then they would let you go for sure!" They're my friends and I really love them, but they don't know my parents, my parents are different than all the others. They would never let me go to Madrid in my own. We stopped skyping and I looked at my phone: twenty five missed calls from mom and dad. I could call them back, but that wouldn't help me, it was night, so we both just decided to go to sleep. And it was another night with no sleep... I really wanted to sleep, I was so tired, but I just couldn't. I decided to post something on instagram, because I didn't post for days, I decided to tell everyone that an awesome experience is waiting for me and my friends, some didn't believe me and others started congratulating us.

 Suddenly I heard some strange noises in the garden, my head started devising the weirdest things, I got so scared and I started screaming. Lucia woke up and tried to calm me down, she asked me what was wrong and I told her what I heard. We looked at each other for less than a second, SOMEONE WAS TRYING TO OPEN THE DOOR! What could we do now? If we left, all our stuff would be forever gone, but if we stayed we could even be murdered! Lucia started crying of fearfulness, I picked up my bag with all my stuff in it, I told Lucia that we have to leave, NOW! We went outside and started calling the police, Lucia was too emotional to talk, so I did the talking: "Hello, you're speaking with Eleánore González, I'm at my friends house and we heard strange noises in the garden, our parents are not at home and we're thinking that someone is trying to break into the house. We need your help police!" 

After a few minutes the police arrived, one madame tried to calm us down and asked us what we heard exactly and she was writing everything we said. The others walked to the house and started checking every room and the garden, but they didn't find anything, or anyone. Lucia and I felt so ashamed! We really heard strange noises and it was like someone was trying to open the door! But now they won't believe us and they'll think that we just imagined everything to get attention. The police woke the neighbours up to ask them questions, to ask them if they heard or saw any weird things. Both neighbours answered exactly the same... They heard two cats fighting and bumping into things. This was the most awkward moment of my whole life, even more awkward than giving a speech about centralisation in front of my whole class, even more awkward than peeing in your pants as a little kid, even more awkward than losing against FC Barcelona! The police laughed about this situation and told us that things like this can always happen and that they won't make a big deal of it. But they still had to ask some stupid questions, they even asked twice about my name, I didn't get that. Until I went to sleep again.

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