Chapter 17: "My date with Cristiano"

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I didn't want to go to my own suite, because Santiágo would be there. So I went to Rawan's suite and we did each other's hair and make up, Paula and Melissa did the same and Jennifer and Laura did the same.

Our dates arrived at the hotel. Cristiano came with a black Lamborghini, for me and him. Paulo and Jennifer went in Paulo's car, Rawan and Artur took a taxi, Melissa and Francisco took another taxi, Daniel and Laura went in Daniel's car and Paula and Roberto took a taxi as well. Cristiano opened the doors of his Lamborghini and I walked to his car and sat next to him. We didn't talk to each other and we didn't look to each other.

We arrived at the cinema and everyone wanted to watch a romantic movie, expect Cristiano and me, we didn't say anything but just followed the rest. It was really busy in the room where they were showing that movie. Many couples were watching the movie together. We all took place at the last row of chairs. It was a disgusting movie, they were only kissing each other all of the time. And the couples at the cinema started slurping each other as well. Rawan and Artur slurped during the whole movie. Jennifer and Paulo kissed too, Melissa and Francisco kissed as well and also Laura and Daniel kissed. Roberto and Paula didn't kiss, maybe they're indeed just friends, or maybe both of them are just too shy. Cristiano and I didn't even look to each other, this should've been one of the greatest nights of my life, but I couldn't wait to get back at home. I think Cristiano only dated with me because he felt sorry for me. Or maybe he's just a fuckboy. Tomorrow would be my last day in Madrid, so it didn't even matter anymore.

There was a break of fifteen minutes during the movie, all boys, expect Cristiano, asked their dates what they wanted to eat or drink and they bought that for them. Cristiano just kept sitting on his place with his face straight to the ground. Roberto came back with food for him and Paula, he noticed that something was wrong between Cristiano and me.
He asked Cristiano:"Yoo bro, why didn't you buy something to drink and eat, the movie will start again in less than five minutes."
Cristiano answered:"I'm not hungry, I don't want to drink or eat something."
"But what about Eleánore?", Roberto asked.
Cristiano was quiet and didn't answer that question.
Then I said:"I don't want anything Roberto, but thanks for asking."
Roberto looked weird to both of us and shook his head.

The movie started again and the people continued kissing. When the movie finally ended the rest wanted to go out for dinner, I was totally not in the mood for that. I said that I don't feel well and that I'm going home. They all begged me to stay but I said that I couldn't and that I would see them later. I walked out of the cinema and wanted to call a taxi, but Cristiano told me that he would drive me back to home.

The same story repeated, we didn't talk to each other, until we stuck in traffic.
Cristiano started starring at me and asked:"Do you love me?"
I answered:"What kind of question is that?"
He said:"Just answer me, please. Because I don't understand girls, they seem to like you but then you catch them hugging and doing shit with other boys."
I was quiet and then he said:"Okay, if you don't want to talk, then I'm gonna talk. I don't know what you feel for me, but I'm totally in love with you. Since the first moment that we met I can't get you out of my mind. I never felt something like this and I don't want to feel this for anyone else, than for you. I love you, no matter what you think or feel for me, I love you Eleánore, I fucking love you. When I saw you having fun and hugging with Enzo it was just like someone cut my head off. I want you in my life, I don't wanna live without you. I want my whole future with you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want YOU Eleánore, I WANT YOU."
I got tears in my eyes and said:"Enzo just helped me and I think he's a great friend, he's really kind and sweet and he was for example talking with me about his girlfriend, I swear you Cristiano, nothing happened between Enzo and me and nothing will happen. Because I love you too...."

I wanted to talk much more about how much I love him, like he did, but I couldn't. He came closer to me and we drown in each other's eyes, he held my head, came closer and closer..... And then he started kissing me. So many emotions came to the surface. Nothing felt better than this, literally nothing. But then I stopped kissing him and told him that it was wrong, that we shouldn't have kissed.
He asked:"But why? Did you not like it? I'm sorry if I did something wrong, this is my first time, because I want to have my first and my last kiss with the love of my life."
I said:"No, the kiss was amazing, it felt so beautiful and magical. It's also my first time. But uhm, it's just that "US" is wrong. I love you, but tomorrow I'll get back to home and everything will be over, we should've never kissed Cristiano. I only want you even more now."
I started crying and he promised that he would find a solution, I told him that it's impossible. Then he asked why I'm not staying here to play for Real Madrid, then we could be together forever. I told him that my parents will never like that idea and that we just have to forget it.
"But I can visit you at the weekends?! Please Eleánore, I love you, I want you with me and me with you.", he said.
I told him that he couldn't do that because of his training and matches.
Then he said:"I can stop with football, I'll do everything to be with you. I choose being with you and not being a professional over being without you and being a professional. Please Eleánore, there have to be solutions."
I cried even more after that, then he hugged me and he also started crying. But this emotional moment got destroyed by the traffic, Cristiano had to drive again.

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