Chapter 4: "One day until Madrid"

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The next morning became, what I've been thinking about, before I went to sleep, reality. My parents called the police when they had noticed that I didn't come back at home and when the police asked about my name yesterday night they realised that I'm that 'missing girl' .

I was still sleeping when the police arrived at Lucia's home, Lucia woke me up and told me that someone was knocking on the door. Lucia opened the door and I stood by her side. It was the police, together with my parents. The police walked in and my parents started hugging me and asking me where I was all time, if I'm okay and why I didn't tell them that I left. I ignored them and together we walked in. The police asked the same questions as my parents did, they're the police, so I had to answer them. I explained everything and they were making notes, then they looked at me with weird faces and made a summary of what I said:"So you made your parents really worried, by leaving your home, without saying anything to them, because they didn't want to let you, a five teen years old girl, go in her own to Madrid?!" I answered:"Eh yes." They started shaking their heads. "But it's not exactly like that, look, you guys don't understand my feelings. I've always dreamed about seeing my team playing live and meeting my instagram friends and all my friends are allowed to go and I'm the only one who isn't. I'm old enough to travel in my own and I just don't deserve it to be treated like this. I've worked so hard to make my dream come true and now my parents just want to destroy it. Why do they even care if I'm going or not, they're never at home.", I said. Then I started crying and Lucia was comforting me. 

The police looked at my parents and my parents told me to please stop crying and that they only didn't want to let me go because they love me and they don't want me to be hurted. I said that I'm old enough to take care of myself and that I'm not a baby anymore. "But for us you're still our little girl, you understand?", answered my dad. I said:"But I know a solution for that, what if you travel with me to Madrid and bring me to hotel La Rosa and wait until you've seen my friends and then leave. And after a week you travel to Madrid again and bring me back to home." "But honey, you know that we don't have time for that, it's really busy at the hospital these weeks.", said my mom. I told them that they are selfish and egoistic and that they only think about themselves and the hospital and that they don't care about me. They said that I know that that's not true and that they really love me, but they just don't have another choice. 

Then my dad came with an idea, he said that Santiágo could bring me if he wants. I didn't wait for a second, I called Santiágo and said: "Hey Santi, you know that I won those tickets right? Can you please go with me to Madrid please, if you can't, then I'm not allowed to go please Santi, you are the only one who can make my dream come true. Please, you know how much I love you and it really means the world for me please." He answered:"Ok, when is the flight going?" "Tomorrow morning at 09:15 am.", I said. He was quiet for some minutes, but I kept waiting. Then he said:"Okay sis, I've booked my ticket and a ticket for the match. See ya tomorrow!" I couldn't describe my happiness, I never expected that Santiágo would help me, now I love him even more! The police already left when I told my parents that Santiágo wants to bring me and wants to stay with me in Madrid. They asked me how much money I needed and I answered that I don't need their money. I hugged Lucia and thanked her for everything. 

Then I got back at home together with my parents. When we arrived I ran to Santiágo and jumped at him and started hugging, kissing and thanking him. He said: "Get off me bitch, I love you and I would never let you go in your own." I even started crying a little bit, what did I just hear, my older brother, Santiágo, just told me that he loves me. This was the first time ever he said something that sweet to me! So he always acts like he hates me, but somewhere deep in his heart he loves me.

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