Chapter 16: "At Valdebebas again"

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All boys were even more amazed now, when Zidane whistled they all ran to me to ask me who I'm, what I'm doing here and how I got this talent. I didn't answer any of the questions, because Zidane and the scout asked me to come.

They started talking:"Eleánore, you're not here for fun. Ronnie was amazed by your talent and told us about you, so we really wanted to see you play. Now we did and we can tell you that you'll probably be Real Madrid's first woman player! You're even better than our boys! We've never seen someone of fifteen play like this! The only problem is that we've to get acceptance from fifa and uefa because you're a girl and you'll play with and against boys. But we don't think that they'll make a big deal of it, because we don't have any teams for women and it'll take a lot of time to start with teams for women. The only thing they might say is that if something happens to you during a match, it's you who took the risks because of playing with men. So'll contact uefa and fifa this morning and answer you as soon as possible. So what do you think of it?"

Wait what.... Was I dreaming? Were they kidding me? Was I part of a comedy show?
I was quiet for some seconds and then I answered:"I don't know."
They said:"You don't know?!"

I answered:"Eh yes, I don't know, this is so unexpected, I never thought that this could happen. And I live far away from Madrid and I don't want to lose my family and friends. And I'm studying a high level of education because my parents want me to become a doctor like them, not a football player."

The scout told me that he has to go and gave me a card with his phone number and other data. Zidane told me that I've to think about it really well and that my family can come to live here and that I can keep studying whatever I want.

We continued the training. Cristiano went to the bottles to drink some water. We had to train in pairs, the players fought over who would train with me, but while they were fighting Enzo asked me to train with him and I just agreed. It was hard work but we had a lot of fun, Enzo was really sweet. The training continued and continued until it was finally time to train with our first team! We walked to another part of Valdebebas and on our way to it a lot of the boys were begging me to go out with them, it was just overdone, I got really tired of it. Enzo noticed it and told his teammates to stop. Surprisingly they did exactly what he said. Enzo and I talked about my situation, if I would become a Madrid player or not until we arrived at that part of Valdebebas.

I could see our players! Everyone of them! I could see everyone! And I would have a training with them right now! My friends saw me and waved to me. I waved and smiled back. We entered the pitch and I wanted to hug and talk with all of my boys, but Enzo told me that I've to focus on the training and that I could meet them at another moment. I didn't want to listen, but I had to. We did some conditional trainings and at moment I was running next to Sergio Ramos, I wanted to hug him and tell him how much I love him but I couldn't.
He looked at me and said while smiling:"So you are Eleánore, right?" I smiled and said:"Yes, I'm. And you are mister La Décima." I got tears in my eyes and he saw that. He said:"Hahaha, yes I'm! But why are you crying Eleánore?"
I told him that I couldn't believe that I stood next to him.
He said:"Awww, we'll talk after the training, okay, but please dont cry now, okay?"
I said:"Okay, thank you so much Sergio."

We continued training and Enzo kept working with me, we trained and laughed. But why is Cristiano starring at us with a jealous face all the time? Does he think that Enzo and I love each other in a special way? How dares he to think that...

The training finished and we walked to the dressing rooms, I got a special one for only me. I put my normal clothes on and fixed my hair. I walked out and catched Enzo, he gave me his phone number and told me to call him whenever I faced a problem, I thanked him and we hugged each other and he walked away. Cristiano appeared and he saw everything, he looked mad at me and said:".        Oo you tonight, if you still want to come...." Then he also walked away. Fuck why did he exactly come at the moment that Enzo and I hugged? It meant nothing! It was just a friendly hug.

Anyway it was time to meet my other idols! I walked to the pitch and there were all of them waiting for me! How could I ever thank Ronnie enough for what he did for me and my friends! I cried and hugged Ronnie and said:"Thank you so so so so so so so much" Then I hugged all the other players, took selfies with them and they signed my jersey, which I got with me. My boys, my players, my superheroes could become my friends if I stayed here! I thanked everyone and then they left.

Melissa, Roberto, Jennifer, Rawan,  Laura and Paula were as happy as I was, they proudly showed me their jerseys, full of signs. Roberto asked me how the training was and I said:"Yes uhmm it was great, but I need to tell you guys something important...." Then Melissa said:"HAJAR OH MY FUCKING GOSH, TELL US NOW THEN, DON'T STOP FUCKING TALKING."
I answered:"Hahaha calm down. They want me to stay here and play for Real Madrid Castilla."
They all screamed of happiness and proudness and started congratulating me. But I stopped the crazy party and said that I don't know if I'll do it or not. They told me that I'm crazy if I won't do it. We walked out of Valdebebas back to the hotel, we had to get ready for our dates.

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