2 ~ A Terrifying Rest

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About two seconds later, Meena landed hard on the ground. Her eyes were tightly shut. She felt that there was grass underneath her. Slowly she opened her eyes again and indeed, she was lying on grass. The grass was not mowed but wild, so it was not evenly green. She looked around while still lying down on the grass and saw that, in front of her, were high trees, ferns and other wild plants. Probably, she was at the edge of a forest. She was laying on a flat piece of a high hill and to her left, in the distance at the bottom of the hill, she saw a river flowing towards a city. It actually looked like a village, but she agonized over whether it was a city or a village. The town had two tall buildings. One of them looked like a kind of smaal castle and the other one was a church like building. The rest of the buildings in the town were houses. The river ran through the town, which was why the city was connected by bridges.

Meena stood up and looked behind her. There was a high cliff which was about three meters tall. There she saw that the blue ball was now on the wall, like a drawing on the wall and she thought she understood it. It was a passage, a portal. Surprised, she looked around again and when she looked up to the blue ball again, it started to become smaller and smaller. It was shrinking very fast. She was shocked because she had to go back again to where she came from, since she came to this place by that thing. Scared and in panic she tried to stab into the sphere with her hand, but as soon as she touched it, it shrank even faster. Now she panicked even more and tried to keep the portal open with her hands with all her strength. But it was too strong and started to shrink faster, until eventually it was as small as a golf ball and dissapeared.

Her heart began to beat faster in fear and she felt tears coming to her eyes but did not cry yet. Her eyes stung. Where should she go? Where was she anyway?
Not knowing what to do, she hit against the cliff and the tears rolled down her cheeks. She now stood with her back against the cliff and slid down until she was sitting on the ground with her knees raised high and her face buried in her hands. She felt hopeless now, she had no idea what she could do and could not think of a solution of how she could ever get back. She sighed loudly.

After sitting like this for a whyle, Meena thought that she might better go to the town so she could go look for help instead of sitting here the whole time doing nothing but thinking of where she was. Because that wasn't gonna give her the solution. Finding help might, she thought. She stood up and looked around once again to ensure the portal was not there. It was just her, in a place she did not know. She sighed again. She had not expected this to happen on a hot but quite normal school day, and she did not like this turn of events at all.

Meena began to walk. She grabbed her backpack on the ground which was beside her and slung it over her shoulder. She walked to the foot of the hill to find a flat landscape where the river flowed into the town. To be sure that she would arrive at the town, she kept walking along the river.
It was a very beautiful day and it was very hot. Even hotter than it was back home. Along the way she decided to take off her shoes because she got more and more blisters. Now she walked through the remarkably soft grass on her bare feet. Somehow, that felt very natural to her. Although it was the most frightening and confusing day of her life, this nature walk did her very good. She felt calm and despite the events could still enjoy a bit of nature and the warmth of the sun on her body. The forest she saw at first, was now to her right and ran around the town. The town was just not in the forest but right outside of it, at the edge. To her left was the river that now flowed more quietly than on top of the hill.

The road to the town turned out to take longer than expected, since it already began to get dark. Meena thereby decided to have a rest on some rocks in the middle of the landscape which were lying in the grass. It was a mystery to her where those rocks came from, because this land was flat. It could have fallen from the hill she was on, she thought, but that was too far away now.
She sat down and leaned her back against one of the rocks. For a while she forgot that she still had her backpack with her. She opened the backpack and found a bottle of water and her cellphone with earbuds. She also had a packet of biscuits for school in her bag that she had not eaten at school. She was thirsty, so she was delighted with the sight of the bottle of water. She quickly grabbed the bottle and put it to her mouth to drink. Too bad it was not cold water anymore. It was completely warmed up by the sun which was shining on her all day, but she had to do with it. Also she was thirsty, so at that time it did not really matter to her whether it was hot or cold water. Than she grabbed her phone and thought she might be able to call someone who could help her.

First she diales her mother's phone number on the touch screen and the phone began to ring. Why she called her mother she did not know. Probably because she was the first person she could think of at the moment.
"Sorry, you don't have connection at the moment. Please try again later.", said a canned voice. No connection. She let out a frustrated sigh with a tone of panic in her voice. She looked further into her bag and found a pencil case, a diary, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Maybe I can make a fire, she thought, I can keep myself warm for a while that way. That was a good idea, because it was getting colder and colder while night was falling. She gathered up some sticks she found in the grass near to the forest and lit them with the lighter, which resulted in a small but effective fire. Again she picked up her phone, but this time she put her earbuds in her ears and turned on her music until she dozed off automatically while watching the fire.

Not long after that, Meena was awakened with a tiny shock. Something had woken her up. She thought she had heard something. It was now completely dark, probably around midnight and the fire was faded. The branches in the fire where now black charred and were burning a little after. Her eyes felt heavy and tired by the shirt nap and the strange and long day she had. She looked around to see where the sound she heard came from. The sound that had awakened her. The sound that shocked her. Behind her she suddenly heard the rustling of grass and leaves. That was the sound that awakened her. She quickly ducked farther behind the rock where she was against and turned her face toward the rock and a little bit around the edge of it, so she could see what was making the rustling sound. She got up a tiny bit to look over the top of the rock. There, a black shadow was moving and game towards her. Meena was startled and quickly ducked behind the stone again. In a panic she grabbed her bag and rummaged in there, until she met her pocket knife. She totally forgot she had it in her bag, since she never really had to use it.

She Always had a pocket knife in her bag, just to be sure. Luckily she never had to use it, so she forgot about it. At this moment she was Lucky she still had it with her. Not only was there a knife in it, but also a corkscrew, a small screwdriver and a small pen. She took it from her backpack and snapped the blade out, for defense. In the dim light of the faded fire she could see the feet of the shadow coming towards the rock where she was hiding. The shadow slowly came closer until he met the fire. He probably saw the fire and was curious, Meena thought. When he stood there, examining the fire for a while, he paused and turned his face towards Meena.

The phantom appeared to be a tall, well-built and muscular man wit tousled hair. Meena could not see much of him because of the darkness except his dark brown eyes that were staring down at her. Meena rose from fright and turned the knife toward the man.
"Who are you and what do you want? I'm not afraid to use this!", Meena said as her hands were shaking with fear. She felt her legs tremble and her heart beat faster. Maybe she should not have threatened him like that. The man slowly walked up to her and Meena walked backwards with the same pace. She picked up her bag and walked slowly, but afraid, around the rock she was behind. Still with the knife, held tightly, in her hand.

He came closer and just when Meena was about to turn around and run away, the man grabbed her hand with the knife in it and her other arm tightly and looked at her with stern eyes. Meena looked back with a very frightened look and dropped the knife because of the firm grip of the man. The man squeezed her arm so hard that she already felt tears burning in her eyes, and that was unusual because Meena did not cry a lot or soon. (Unless she was in a situation like this of course). It became a lot to handle for her, but she kept strong.
"What are you doing here and who are you?", asked the man with his strict but very calm voice. Meena thought it was better not to reply. Maybe she couldn't trust him. Also, she was in shock and was just not about to tell a stranger what she was doing and who she was. So she just furrowed her eyebrows, tightened her lips and looked at him but remained silent.
"Answer!", said the man now with a louder voice as he shook her back and forth once, quickly. Meena kept looking at him, but now in an angry way to not let him sense how frightened she was at that very moment.

The man sighed, closed his eyes for a moment shut and let her go. Meena stood back. The man also stood back and opened his eyes again. His eyes were looking at her even more strict and even a little angry now. He reached for his hip, while Meena with her wide eyes followed where his hand was going. The man grabbed a handle and pulled it. He pulled out a long silver sword from a long sleeve and placed its tip against Meena's neck. Meena could not believe her eyes. She could not believe this was happening to her. His brown eyes were now black and he tilted his head slightly to indicate that she had to answer his questions or else had to recognize the consequenses. Meena opened her eyes even wider and her mouth dropped open, her chin went up and she panicked again. Did she just have to tell him who she was, or should she lie?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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