I was packing my bags to move for my sweet 16th I heard a strange wispering sound blocked within the walls, now I couldn't hear it the first time but it was loud and clear enough for me to hear it the second time, I thought it was saying something strange to me like "beware of the forest" but I have no forests around me so began to think if there were any forests in the place I was going..... but couldn't think because it was to far away so I brought up google maps..... and there it was right in front of me The Dark Gloomy Forest "oh look a description!" I exclaimed!
The Dark Gloomy Forest started of as the nicest place ever until John Burrnet came along and took a potion to make himself huge, because on that day he truely did want to save people. But one day a fairy was trapped inside a spider web so he was determined to help as it was his destiny, so he reached inside of the sleepy spiders home not noticing John at all, and grabbed the tiny little fairy and she was so grateful that he saved her life and was offering him three wishes. He took the wishes hoping that they would come true, and instead of wishing for gold or to be famous he wished to be smaller, have power and to save people if their lives are in danger!
So he got his wishes; he became smaller with four legs and had power, just not the good kind and he saved people but because he had power he came back for a snack the next day, and it all happened because he wasn't pacific anough! Unfortunately the fairy died because John ate her and he can't be turned back to normal because only the fairy that granted the wish can turn them back to normal! By doing this John turned the whole of the forest evil and he is waiting for the perfect"Roise your dinner is ready!" Called Sandy, my Mum
"Coming Mum!" I shouted but read on till I had finished.blood to arive and when he has found the last bit of blood he will turn to normal but only with one of his wishes. Whatever one he wants most and no doubt on our minds that he will pick power!
"Roise NOW!" My Mother called again!
"WAIT I'm just finishing my sentence!" I shouted! By this time my Mum had had enough, if I didn't come down within ten miniutes I was grounded!And when he is back we will all suffer what he suffered untill he finds his true loves kiss which he proberly won't so if your reading this and a creature shows up at your door phone the city council- 0891. We will come over to where you are as soon as posible but if anything strange happens in your house he's brought his friends for a snack, these creatures are intelligent and quick thinkers but we call him the Doblenhuff so if you see him call this number-0891. The Doblenhuff can't be killed and that is why you should call us because he can be put to sleep and dragged back into the forest and give you time to drive far away before you get eaten by him. How I know- because this here all happened to my friends and John is there great great Father but unfortunately they ran langerously away and were caught and died and have never been seen, since we think he ate my friends. But now legend has it when he falls in love with his true love he is not bad but has a mission to protect her and only when she kisses him the spell is broken and that is when he remembers about all of the people that he has killed and feels ashamed of the Doblenhuff inside of him. So whatch out for the Doblenhuff!
Now it had been ten minuites and I had finished that chapter ready to go downstairs but heard my Mum stompping up the stairs so I ran as quick as I could into my bedroom and whispered in a hurry "where will Mum not look for this diary, ah the locked cupboard!" And thats where I put it, I quickly locked the cupbord thinking she must be on the second floor by now so I ran out and down the stairs and I shot like a lightning bolt scared of what she would do if she found me! Then suddenly I came to a holt, it was my Mum stood angrily in front of me....
"ROISE what have you been doing your dinner is going to be as cold as ice if you don't get down there now!"
"I was reading... through my essay to hand in, in two days!" I exclaimed hoping that there was no punishment.
But she just stared stuned at me thinking of something to say that wasn't mean so she just pointed her finger at the table and thats where I went.........
Downtown Darkness
Misterio / SuspensoDowntown Darkness is a mysterious place where paranormal beings such as ghosts, zombies and giants roam the land! But there is one creature different from the rest; The Doblenhuff. A Doblenhuff is a tall, werewolf-like creature that walks on two le...