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The next morning Wren woke up to a buzzing sound and her ringtone echoing around the apartment, Harry groaned next to her rolling over so he was on top of her stopping her from getting her phone, Wren whined as her 6ft6 boyfriend was now suffocating her.

"Harry move the fuck off me!" She wheezed out of breath, shoving Harry with all her might however the tattooed man was too strong for her.

By the time she managed to shove Harry off of her, she had five missed calls all from her mother and seven unread messages also from her mother saying she got a message from school informing her; her daughter is absent at school and that she is grounded the moment she gets home.

It was already quarter to twelve; too late to go school now.

Wren entered the kitchen where Harry stood shirtless making coffee and green tea for his girlfriend. There were tesco bags scattered on the kitchen table filled with bread and other groceries.

Wren wrapped her wet hair in a towel; she was only dressed in Harry's shirt which came half way to her knees showing off her tanned legs and his underwear as her's has been put in the washing along with her bra.

Wren came behind Harry wrapping her arms around his torso, he was only wearing jeans which hand low on his hips relieving his v lines. She could feel his abs and toned stomach under her fingertips as she run her fingers down his stomach making him shiver due to her cold fingers.

Harry turned around looking into her brown eyes before dropping his gaze towards her small chest where he could clearly see her erected nipples poking out of his shirt. He smirked pulling her closer by the waist and lowering his lips to meet hers in a sweet kiss.

However the kiss didn't last very long as they were interrupted by the boiling water, Harry groaned before pulling away and pouring the boiling water into the two mugs, filling both to the full. He drank his coffee black like his soul and bitter like himself Wren liked to joke.

He handed her; her mug and watched her long legs as they carried her towards the sofa were she settled in a blanket and sipped on her tea while watching returns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, he chuckled before turning around and making her a sandwich on brown bread as he has learnt over the two weeks she only eats brown bread with pumpkin seeds, which he finds very amusing how picky she is with her food, the first time she spent the night she sent him shopping as according to her there was 'nothing' in the fridge.

He smiled remembering how shy she was when he first invited her over and within two weeks she was already being her bossy self.

They lay together on the white leather sofa, covered in a blanket, Harry had his arms wrapped around Wren as she rested her head on his chest, particularly sitting on his lap.

The noises from the TV were blocked out in the background as Wren argued on the phone with her mother who was making a dig deal out of her absence at school and now home.

It was currently eight o'clock and Wren was supposed to be home by four. "Mom, I'm almost eighteen, I can make my own decisions." Wren whined complaining about her lack of freedom.

"You are not eighteen yet! You're supposed to be focusing on your education and not going out god knows where!" Her mother yelled through the phone. "I'm expecting you to be home by nine and not a minute late!" With that her mother hanged up.

Wren rolled her eyes and positioned herself directly on Harry's lap, her legs on each side if his body. His hands automatically went up to her thighs caressing them and moving up to her (his) underwear which were still yet from earlier when they were rudely interrupted by her mother.

"Ugh, I need to get ready." Wren complained leaning her head into Harry's chest.

Her clothes were still in the washing, she was only wearing his shirt and his underwear. She sighed and got off his lap and walked to the master bedroom where she found her jeans laying on the floor along with her jumper. Wren shoved her jumper in her bag and pulled her jeans on and then put her bare feet into her shoes.

She put her tangled hair up in a messy bun and grabbed her bag going into the living room where Harry was picking his shirt up from the floor and was getting ready to drive her home. He reached for his keys and grabbed her hand dragging her out the doors.

She sighed and unwillingly moved her feet towards the doors.

"She's going to kill me." Wren muttered as she got out of Harry's car, she turned around to give him puppy dog eyes begging to let her stay one more night however he only shook his head and smirked.

She glared turning around and making her way to her house. The moment she stepped into the house all hell broke loose.

"Where have you been?!" Her mother shouted. "Have you been staying at a boys house?" She accused looking at the oversized shirt Wren was wearing.

"I am allowed to stay at my boyfriends house if I want to mother!" Wren yelled back taking her mother by surprise, she has never disrespected her parents.

"How dare you shout at your own mother!" She spoke loudly anger evident in her voice. "You are grounded, I want you home right after school!"

"But mom-"

"No buts! Now go to your room!"

Stomping like a five year old, Wren made her way upstairs and slammed her doors.

She immediately called Harry.

"Babe I know you miss me but don't get clingy."

Harry could barely finish his sentence before she exploded with pure rage.

"Oh my fucking god, she said I'm fucking grounded, I'm almost fucking eighteen, why the fuck is she being such a fucking bitch?!"

"Damn babe, you got a serious case of sailors mouth." Harry joked as he parked his car listening to her complain about her mother he walked up the stairs to the top floor where his apartment was and collapsed on his sofa turning on the television.

"As soon as I turn eighteen I'm moving out she can't tell me what to do" Wren huffed angrily, Harry could picture her right now, the way her nose scrunched up in a cute way when she's angry or how her eye twitches when she's pissed off.

"Babe, you're welcome to move in with me we can have angry sex on the kitchen table if you want." Harry suggested as if it was the most normal thing to ask.

"Harry, this is not a joke I'm not allowed to go anywhere for god knows how long!" She groaned loudly while falling onto her soft bed and pulling the covers over her body.

"Don't worry baby girl, we can work this out."

"You promise?" Wren asked her voice barely a whisper.

"Yeah babe, I promise."

So chapter 3 is here, please leave feedback, I'm debating wether I should post my other books or not.

If by any chance the name Nathan appears in the chapter while it's focusing on Harry I just forgot to change the name.

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