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Can you see the pictures??

For the next three months the couple have been secretly meeting every Wednesday when Harry was finishing work early they had two hours to themselves as Wren managed to convince her parents to let her stay out until 5 pm.

Every Wednesday the couple would sit at the local Starbucks, kissing, laughing and talking.

It was a Tuesday cold afternoon, Wren shivered as the cold wind caressed her exposed skin as she was only wearing shorts and a knitted sweater.

She let out a surprised squeal when a sleek black car suddenly stopped in front of her, the passenger window rolled down relieving no one else than her boyfriend, Harry.

She smiled and reached over to the back seat throwing her school bag carelessly onto the backseat and climbed into the front, Wren leaned over and kissed Harry on the lips, the soft kiss turned passionate with every second, Wren was particularly sitting on Harry's lap when she stopped the kiss.

"I thought you're not finishing work until eight today?" Wren frowned, slightly confused as to why her boyfriend was picking her up today.

"I got off early today." He smirked glancing over at her as he drove his car swiftly with one hand while holding a cigarette in the other. "What you already got enough of me?" He blew the smoke in her face while he spoke.

Wren glared at her intimidating looking boyfriend and rolled her window down getting rid of the suffocating smoke.

Harry rolled his eyes, driving his car faster, going way over the speed limit. "It's not like you don't smoke."

"I don't!" Wren exclaimed throwing her hands in the air. "It was a one time thing!"

"Yeah right babe, keep telling yourself that."



"I'm hungry."

"And I'm Wren."

"Did you just dad joke me?" Harry asked offended as they sat together on the sofa facing the TV and watching Gordie Shore.

Wren grinned evilly at him and turn her head to the side so she could give him a peck on the lips.


She groaned as Harry got up from the comfortable sofa making her fall back due to the fact that she was basically laying on top of him.

"Chinese or pizza?" Harry asked grabbing Wren's phone and swiftly unlocking it. "Why do you have pizza hut on speed dial?" Harry laughed while looking through her iPhone.

Wren glared at her 6ft something boyfriend before turning her attention back to the TV programme.

There was a sharp knock on the front doors which made Wren jump from her boyfriends lap and run straight for the doors, however she was highly disappointed when it wasn't the pizza delivery but a tall blonde women with bright green eyes.

The women narrowed her eyes at the girl standing in front of her taking in her appearance; her hair in a messy bun with strands of hair falling all over the place and a baggy shirt with jogging bottoms. "Excuse me but who are you?" The women asked, clearly disgusted.

Wren raised an eyebrow at the blonde women as if asking her 'who the fuck you think you are?!' Before Wren could even respond a deep male voice interrupted her.

"Babe? What's taking you so long?"

"Babe- Karen? What are you doing here?"

Wren frowned, Harry obviously knew this women.

"Well I came to visit since I was in the neighbourhood but I see you have company." The blonde narrowed her eyes at the pair as if inspecting then to see if they were up to no good.

Harry glared at the blonde and wrapped his arms around Wren in a protective manner. "I don't see why the fuck you feel the need to come here, I already told you; you're not welcome here." He kept his voice flat and emotionless.

"I only came to say you are invited to the wedding, Amy couldn't stop asking about you."

And with that she handed Harry a light pink envelope and slammed the doors shut.

"Who was that?" Wren asked pulling away after a moment of silence.

"No one important." Harry muttered trying to reach for her and pull her closer but she pulled away again.

"Is she an ex?" Wren asked eyeing her tall
boyfriend carefully.

"Fuck no! Babe do you really think I would date that bitch?" Harry almost laughed at that thought after all she was his sister.

"Well she obviously wasn't no one important." Wren muttered as she walked away, she gathered her things and headed for the bathroom to change.

She quickly shrugged off his oversized shirt and jogging bottoms and changed into her shorts and sweater. She wasn't bothered to mix her makeup as she walked out of the bathroom and was about to bend down to put her converse on when a pair of arms wrapped around her wait pulling her into a macular but lean chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" Harry muttered his lips brushing against her pierced ear sending shivers down her spine.


"Babe, we have pizza lets not let that bitch ruin our night." Harry muttered against her ear sending pleasant shivers down her spine.

"It's kinda too late for that" Wren muttered against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Babe, you have nothing to worry about, she's my sister for fucks sake" Harry laughed as he squeezed her but making her jump.


"Stay the night?" Harry muttered in her ear leading her to his bedroom.

"I can't.." She muttered but followed Harry anyways.

"Stay" he whispered his voice low and sexy, nodding her head she pressed her lips to Harry's as he laid her down on his king size bed.

He slowly took off her sweater exposing her hard nipples as he begun sucking and teasing her causing her moans to increased.  Wren tightened her grip on his  brown curls as she begun to move her hips against his already erected dick creating friction and causing him to become even harder.

She moaned as his lips travelled up to her neck leaving gentle butterfly kisses around her chest until he reached her lips, their lips gently brushed against each other as they slowly undressed.

She loved this side of Harry; so carefree and relaxed.

She was his calm and he was her ocean and when they mixed together they created a storm full of passion and devotion.

So yeah...

I changed up the cast a bit please leave your comments and thoughts it will mean the world to me.

I'm supposed to be revising for my RE test but I decided to write for you guys instead.

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