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So, here's my and Lacy's (the editor) Q&A!


- How old are you two?

P: I'm 17! *waves awkwardly*

L: I'm 17, I'll be 18 this month

- Where are you from?

P: I'm from a very very small town in Sweden. Literally, there only live like 10 000 people here, which is really boring :(

L: I reside in the U.S. where strange things happen all the time

- So, how did you guys meet? You didn't just stumble on each other on Wattpad, did you?

P: Well... I want Lacy to answer this one ;)

L: Actually, that is exactly how we met. Pauo's story "Invisible" was the first story I ever put in my library and I decided to message her one day, June 19th 2014 to be exact and we've talked every day since then. :)

- Did you guys meet?

P: No... but that's like my biggest dream! I wish we didn't live so freaking far from each other, otherwise we would've probably met a long time ago. But unfortunately, I've never even been to another country than Sweden, excluding Denmark, which barely counts :(

L: Same, I wish. I wouldn't be able to leave her. She's my baby.xx

- Are you guys actually together?

P: I feel like I'm going to disappoint you guys, but no. We're not together. I'm actually straight... Though, I always say Lacy is an exception, because I loooove her :*

L: Guys, she's totally in love with me. It's so ridiculous. She needs to just go ahead and be with me. :* I loooooooove her more though. xx

- How does lesbian frickle frackle work?

P: Oh my Gosh, haha. Lacy...?

L: HaHA, goodbye. Too awkward for this. Who let this question in????

- What is Larry to you?

P: Everything. No, but really, my whole life circles around them, and I've noticed the past few days that they really affect my life way too much... which is not good at all, considering what Louis confirmed a few days ago. I couldn't eat properly the entire day without wanting to throw up. Anyway, Larry means the world to me, so if it eventually turns out to be real, I'll be the happiest girl on earth.

L: It's my world. They are the my water, air, food, shelter, everything. They hurt my head though for real, they stay having me fucked up and I just....

- What is/are your favourite Larry Stylinson fanfic? Whether it be on Wattpad or something else

P: I only read stories on Wattpad, so definitely Confessions of Being a Gay Disney Prince! My God, I can't even describe how freaking amazing that book is, and I'm sure you guys agree with me :)

L: Anything my baby writes.xx and Escapade, After the Larry version, Confessions, any fic where they have children (rec me some) and anything by "smileyourepretty" and "OneDirection23rd" here on Wattpad!

- Favorite band?

P: No doubt One Direction. 5 Seconds Of Summer comes behind them though :)

L: One Direction!!!

- Favorite band member?

P: I fell for the curls and dimples *blushes* To be honest, though, it doesn't really matter to me anymore. I love them all just as much!

You Think I Hate You? (Larry Stylinson AU) StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now