Chapter 39

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^^Time Skip^^
Elsa's POV
"Mom! Make Colton get out of my room!!" I hear Lily yell down the stairs. "I wouldn't be in her room if she didn't take my phone!!!" Colton yelled as a argument. "He was talking to a girrrlllll!!!" Lily held the word girl for emphasis. "Quit arguing you two!" Jack yelled. "Lily give your brother his phone back, he never takes your phone when you talk to boys." I look at her seriously, "And no yelling you might wake up Anna." I say then which makes the two roll their eyes. "Unless you two want to take care of her when she wakes up." I say more as a threat. "Noooo." Lily and Colton say in unison. "Okay then don't go arguing around this house if you're going to yell." I sigh. They nod and go into their rooms. I go look for Scarlett, first I check the office because she's usually in there reading or doing homework. "Hey mom." Scarlett say glancing up from her book. "Hi honey. What are you reading?" I ask Scarlett. "This book called Hush, Hush it's pretty good." I look at the cover of the book and it's dark and looks kind of creepy. "That's nice, it looks a little creepy though." I look at Scarlett concerned. Ever since Scarlett became old enough to pick out her own clothes it has been black. Black nails, black shoes, black shirts, and the occasional black shorts or pants. I'm a little worried about her. She wears a lot of eyeliner and dark eye shadows. I think she might be depressed, she always locks herself up in her room and I'm scared to think of what she might be doing in there. "Well honey I'm going to be downstairs with your dad if you need anything." I smile at her. She smiles back, "Thanks mom." I walk out of the office and go in to the living room. I sit on the couch next to Jack and sigh. "Rough day?" Jack looks at me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I lift my feet onto the couch and snuggle into Jack. "Yes." I suppress a sigh again. "I think Scarlett might be depressed. Do you think we should get her a therapist or counselor?" I look at Jack worried. "Well it might just be a phase where she really likes black." Jack tries to be positive, but I continue to look worried. "Let's sleep on it and we should talk to her about it before we do something that makes her suspicious." He says to me while massaging my neck. "Yeah you're probably right." I sigh again. "Since when do you say that I'm right?" He looks at me shocked. "Never usually but today's the first for everything I guess because you've never given me a massage before." I chuckle. He laughs too and we just sit there quietly. I eventually fall asleep in the crook of Jack's arm.

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