Chapter 11

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Layla swallowed the bile in her throat as she stared at the dead body on the table before her. Yet another teenager dead, yet another teenager who had become a victim.

"Did you know him?" Theo asked, looking at Scott.

"His name's Josh." Scott replied.

"He was a junior." Layla added sadly. Theo intertwined his hand with hers and she smiled gratefully at him.

Layla noticed Theo and Stiles look at each other, as if they knew something that she and Scott didn't. She brushed it off and watched Stiles cover up the body.

"Which one did it? Was it the one with the cane?" Scott asked.

"Yeah." Theo replied.

"What are we going to do with him?" Layla asked, chewing her lip nervously.

"We can't just set the alarm and leave, that's how Tracy disappeared." Stiles piped in. "Someone's gotta stay here with him."

Theo sighed. "I'll do it. It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned."

"I'll stay with you." Layla said.

"No." Stiles snapped roughly. "We'll need you if anything happens." He added his voice softer.

Layla's eyebrows furrowed. What was Stiles problem with Theo? He hadn't done anything. Scott's phone buzzed, drawing Layla's attention.

"What is it?" She inquired, looking at him.

"Another one." He replied. "Another Chimera."

"You have got to be kidding me." Layla groaned.


Layla now stood outside Hayden's bedroom with Scott, Liam and Stiles. This was ridiculous. All she wanted to do was lie on the couch and catch up on Supernatural. But no, because here she was living her own real life version of it, only without the really hot brothers and adorable angel.

"Hayden, it's Scott." Scott shouted, banging on her door. "I know that you're scared but we just want to help."

Hayden ignored Scott. "I can hear her heartbeat. She's really freaked out." Layla commented.

"What happened?" Scott asked, turning to face Liam.

"She was okay when we got here. I left to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in there." Liam replied, looking worried.

"Why?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know."

"She's definitely a chimera." Scott told Liam.

"She said she heard a voice." Liam elaborated.

Layla's eyes narrowed as she listened more attentively. Hearing voices was never a good sign. She should know.

"She said she heard a voice saying 'your condition improves."' Liam said.

Layla felt sick. It was bad enough it was happening to her. But the doctors targeting Hayden, that was something that didn't sit very well with Layla. She ran forward and banged on Hayden's door.

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