Chapter 14

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Layla didn't even know what she was doing anymore, she didn't know who she was. She felt as if she was looking in on everything, that she wasn't even really there. Everyone seemed to be drifting away from Layla and she felt herself falling. Stiles had stopped talking to her, Scott was caught up in his own grief, Kira was gone. No on had questioned Layla about the information that they knew about her. They knew that she was a potential chimera, but they didn't know to what extent.

Layla need to figure this out herself, she needed to figure out what was happening to her. Recently, she had been losing more time, she didn't know where the hours were disappearing to. Stiles and Lydia had gone in search for the nemeton and Layla had decided to spend the time she had researching chimeras. She knew that she was one, but it didn't really fit. She had never had any skin grafts, so how was it possible?

Layla walked into the library and showed the librarian her pass. The librarian nodded in response and went back to her filing. Layla walked towards the section labeled mythology and skimmed her finger across the spines of each book. Finally, she found the one she wanted and lifted it off the shelf. She found and empty table in the corner of the library and opened the book. It was an encyclopaedia of mythical creatures. Layla flicked to the letter C and found the section labeled Chimeras.

The Chimera (/kɨˈmɪərə/ or /kaɪˈmɪərə/, also Chimaera (Chimæra); Greek: Χίμαιρα, Chímaira) was, according to Greek mythology, a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of more than one animal. Usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat arising from its back, and a tail that might end with a snake's head, the Chimera was one of the offspring of Typhon and Echidna and a sibling of such monsters as Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra.

The term chimera has come to describe any mythical or fictional animal with parts taken from various animals, or to describe anything composed of very disparate parts, or perceived as wildly imaginative, implausible, or dazzling.

The information gave some insight, but not as much as Layla wanted. She realised that the term 'Chimera' was very vague and of a wide variety. That had to mean that there was more to it, Layla just didn't know what that was.

"Hey Layla." A voice called.

Layla's head snapped up and she saw that it was Theo that called her and that he was walking in with her brother. Stiles had a troubled facial expression and Layla could tell that Theo's smile was forced. Quickly, she slammed the book closed and slid it into her bag just as the boys reached her table.

"No luck with finding the nemeton?" She asked her brother.

Stiles shook his head, sighing. Layla stood up and swung her back over her shoulder.

"We should probably get going." She told them.

"I've got math." Stiles said.

"English." Theo and Layla said at the same time.


Layla ran outside, hearing the sirens. She saw Corey being put into the back of an ambulance, most of his body covered in the silver substance.

"No, no." Layla mumbled to herself and ran to Scott and Theo.

"We have to follow them." Theo said, urgently.

Layla nodded. Scott didn't say anything, just stared into the empty space. "Scott." Layla shouted. "We have to go."

Scott nodded, snapping out of his gaze and the all got into Theo's car.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Scott asked Theo.

Layla poked her head between the two seats, listening. "It can wait." Theo mumbled.

"If something's wrong, you should tell me. We've all got to start talking to each other again." Scott said, looking at both of them.

Layla chewed her lip, debating. Taking a deep breath, she spoke. "Then I've got something to tell you guys."

Scott's head snapped in her direction and Theo glanced at her through the mirror.

"I think I'm a chimera." She blurted out.

Theo's hands tightened around the wheel and through the mirror, Layla could see that his eyes held fury. Scott looked at her with worry.

"I saw you." He said. "Through Corey's memories, you were there."

Layla nodded. "I keep losing time, and having these dreams. Dreams about the doctors experimenting on me. At first it was maybe once a week. But then he happened everyday, and then I got them even during the day when I was awake. Then I started having ones from when I was younger."

"What do you mean?" Theo asked, struggling to keep his voice level.

"The other day I had one. I was maybe about five and my mum and I were playing hide and seek. She couldn't find me and when I came out, I - I was covered in blood." Layla told them, gulping.

"Who's blood?" Scott asked, eyeing Layla.

She didn't like this look, it was accusing. It was basically telling her that he regarded her as dangerous. It made her feel as if he didn't trust her, maybe he didn't.

"My own." Layla whispered.

Theo lost control of the wheel momentarily and swore loudly. "Do you remember who did it?" He asked, knowing the answer.

"I told my mum that it was the doctors. But, I - I don't know if these are real. Because I don't remember any of this happening. But I read the book and apparently that brings back suppressed memories, right?" Layla said.

Both Theo and Scott nodded.

Layla rubbed her hands across her face and blinked back tears

"I think the Doctors have been experimenting one me since I was a child." She choked out.




Did any of you guess that?
So this is the first part of the episode. The next will be up soon.
I know that Theo told Scott about Donovan in the car, but I'm not sure whether I'm going to write about that, or just have it that he told Scott another time. I just thought that this was a good time for Layla to tell someone her suspicions and Scott is her Alpha and best friend and Theo is her boyfriend so, I decided that she would tell the. First, especially since Stiles is kinda ignoring her.
Also the information that I got on chimeras is from Wikipedia so credit to them.

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