•|Ch 1-unintentional my wings

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Chapter 1

walking with my friends,rouge and cream, while thinking about our test, probably wasn't the funniest thing to do in schools corridors.
High school sucks and being a student even sucks more..

"Ahhhhh,for the sake of everything noneducational i don't want to think about it anymore, it's so frustrating; gives me unnecessary headache."

"yeah every time i think about it i get depressed and that's not acceptable for me; I'm on my diet and extra stress is bad for skin."
I glance at rouge to be faced with her perfect face
"You have a body to die for, why would you need a freaking diet?!"
She answered my confusion with a shrug and didn't comment further on the subject.

"Why should we have those tests anyway?! Isn't school hard enough without tests already?"

"I don't know cream. Damn the person who gave the stupid idea of exams and gave an opportunity to those dumb teachers to torture us even more; curse him and may all negative energies devour him."


"Stop whinnying you two"

"It's easy for you to say that, somehow even though you don't listen in classes you get readable grades, rouge"

"Shut it cream."

"Guys, forget about the stupid test. come on;what are you guysa planning to do?"

"Well i just want to relax and get my nails done."

"Boring,what about you cream? are you going to do anything fun today?"

"Well i'm going shopping,wanna come?"

"no thanks, the last time didn't go the way it was planned,actually."

The both just snorted and kept staring at me with narrowed eyes.

Flash back

"Amy I'm very happy that you are here even though you hate shopping."

"Don't get your hopes up, I still hate shopping but I wanted to come and see what is so special about these stores that you can't stay away for 3 days."

"Every thing is good about shopping; seeing new things,trying new clothes,...
It feels great."

She had a dreamy glint in her eyes and talked with so much passion that I almost puked.
We were talking about some girl in school when a gray fox shoved cream and almost got her face flat on the ground.

"Hey,watch it. I bet you don't want to get shoved like that."

"Easy pink fur!! It's none of your business little hedgehog."

"I'll show you pink you street fox.
You know every one is not gonna take it easy on you like your mom usually does,on second thought considering your size, I'm certain you were easy to pop out. Fathers gene,maybe?"

In the middle of glaring to him and trying to mock and taunt him, I didn't notice the people that had gathered  around us,laughing their heads off.

"Why you little-"

"If you're trying to intimidate me with that growling or barking of yours then let me break it to you, it looks ridiculous. And yes i dared and said that you mighty fox; so what are you going to do about it? nothing."

"I'll show what I can do you tavern  hedgehog."

"Is that a threat i sense there? If so then sorry to disappoint but I'm not fazed at all."

Due to all the mocking made by my ingenious self, he was red in the face; fuming with a flared nose. Ha, right don't mess with a sweet looking girl 'cause the result will be one hell of a nasty challenge.

Maybe it was because of my smirk or others sneers but it didn't matter 'cause soon after, his leg came flying, determined to make a serious damage but I dodged and hit him on his back with my leg .he fell to the ground and didn't seem to get up again so I just let him lie on the road where he's supposed to be and proceeded to make my way to a shocked but enthusiastic cream. she was grinning like a fool but suddenly, she screamed with worry swimming in her chocolate orbs.

"Amy watch out, behind you!"

I saw the reflex of that gray fox behind me while holding a knife with an enraged expression in the glass so I dodged again,grabbed his arm and held it behind his back and started to push until I heard him scream in pain so I let go of his arm. While pushing him away i turned back and once again wanted to leave but after second thoughts i turned back to face him. He didn't have a chance since my many punches hit home  and soon after he fell. His grunts and groans reached my ears; because of his tight clutch on his nose I assumed that my punches have caused some damage and soon pretty bruises will appear on his face, maybe i even broke his nose.

"Giving up already?!"

He just grunted louder so that was my cue to figure it out. i won,again.
"Good,now get lost."

I went to cream and she just had a wow_that_was_awesome look on her face.


"I didn't know you could fight!! And I certainly didn't know that your punches were that strong, i mean you look so sweet; don't roll your eyes on me, you know that I hate it."

"You, my friend, are so naive but now you do; so lets get to your dreamy shopping."

End of flash back

"What it was unexpected and unintentional."

Rouge snorted again and treated me with one of her snarky comments.

"Unintentional my wings, that's hardly an understatement. For you getting in troubles is as normal as sleeping."

"At least i get into clean troubles unlike some people who gets into troubles pants."

I snapped and by her expression i knew she wasn't bothered at all, i mean this is rouge.

"Fair enough, Your troubles are clean whilst mine are sweet and slightly salty."

"Ew rouge have mercy on my poor ears."

After some more bickering we finally said our farewells and went on separate ways to our houses.
When I got to my house my tense body immediately relaxed and a sigh of contentment escape the jail that was sealed by my lips.

"home sweet home"

I ran to my room to seek a relaxing shower, after that I came to the living room to see my mom watching TV.

"mooooooom,I'm starving give me some food or you'll lose your beloved daughter and her wishes will be all buried under ground."

"oh come on,you will not die easily. you will kill us if needed and then eat on our graves."

"huuuuuh!!!how could you say tha?.mom tell me the truth I'll promise I can handle it."
"I'm going to make you some food because obviously hunger have damaged what little you had in your head."

"what?noooo...tell me I'm not your real daughter, am I?"
My mom just laughed because sure my doubts of who i am is funny.

"I knew it,I'm a waif."

mom just shaked her head and continued to the kitchen, still laughing. meanwhile I watched tv; it was showing my favorite Hindi serial and when the finish song came on, my mom called me for dinner. after eating dinner I went upstairs to my room. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. After wondering why i had a creepy feeling about tomorrow My consciousness drifted into nothingness.

So this was the chapter one.
What Amy has to face tomorrow?
Is it a false signal or a pre warning of a storm?
Thank for reading my story, I'd appreciate it if you voted or better commented.

Love ya💗

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