•|Ch2-new jerk in school

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Chapter 2

A normal day begun. I woke up to a splitting headache and sun-rays blinding my eyes; what a good way to start a great day...not. After a cold shower, some curses, a fight with clothes and more cursing I finally went to eat breakfast.

Considering i was slightly late for school, i just grabbed some cookies and started for the way to school which wasn't long.

When I reached school I hurried to my locker so I would not be late for math again.
After the bell rang,I got out of the class with a talkative rouge by my side.like always she was blabbering about boys, parties and schools latest gossip and like always my answers consisted of eye rollings, lifting eyebrows and generally tuning her out.

"Hey Amy is that cream?"

Now that had my attention in seconds, thank goodness I'm free.

"Yes, only cream can run and make that look adorable but why is she running in the first place?"

When she reached us I practically was shooting her goofy grins with a relived look decorating my face.

"Hey cream what's up with the running and all?"

"let her catch her breath for God sake."

"Thanks rouge, why is your face like that? You look like retard who got away from a mental asylum."

That instantly wiped my smile out and instead planted a flat look in its place. I was looking at them with a poker face 'cause apparently creams words were ingeniously hilarious or so rouge thought. If so it explained why she was doubled over while clutching her sides due to all the laughter that were coming out of her mouth.

"Not cool cream, not cool. And you, boy stalker stop laughing or else you'll die of the intensity of my glare.why were you running cream?"

"I figured you wouldn't have heard the news so I thought i better come and tell you."

"I saw a few girls talking while looking all enthusiastic but what's the big deal?"

"We have a new student in our school and guess who is it?"

"Would you spit it out already?! Geez, you two are irritating sometimes."

"What's wrong with you today? Someone is in a grumpy mood."

"Back to that news,sonic the hedgehog is officially cliff-high student."

"WHAT?but he's not even living in this city."

"I don't have the slightest idea."

what are you guys even talking about? who is this hedgehog anyway?"

"Huuuuh?! OH MY GOD!!! Rouge help me; she doesn't know him."

"I know it's a shame she's our friend."

Rouge sighed while cream just watched me with her mouth open but i was staring between them with confusion clear in my eyes.

"You don't know him? he is the hero who saved the world several times."

"Never heard of,anyway I should go,bye."

"bye see you later."

After finishing my conversation with them I headed to the library to have some peace; I could still cream complaining. the library was as usual offering immense comfort and embraced me with hands full of nice warmth. Since I was in the library I thought why not check some books? Maybe i can find something to entertain me whenever rouge sees it best to bring the usual topics a.k.a boys up. checking books is the best thing in the world; well at least not until you run into someone. BAM...

"Hey look where you're going, you have eyes for a reason you know."

I looked before me for my eyes to collide with emerald orbs. The hedgehog before me was staring into my eyes with an eyebrow lifted, waiting for an answer but all I could think in that moment was 'HO MY GOD!!! He's hot'


Well I was angry now, fuming actually. He kept looking at me with a smirk and that bloody eyebrow still lifted.

"Hey it wasn't my fault, maybe if you looked as hard as you expect others to look we wouldn't have collided you piece of scrap paper."

I snapped sassily which succeeded to wipe that arrogant look out of his stupidity handsome face.

"You have some nerve to question me while you're the one who's mistaken, you should apologize because obviously it was your fault."

"it wasn't."

"You were absent minded."

By now his arms were in the air indicating the amount of his frustration.I knew it was my fault but he was being rude and I'd be damned before i  retreat,nope not happening.

"It's your fault,I was absent minded but you weren't."

"you mean?"

"Are you always this idiot or is it just my awesome luck? I mean you should've just been out of my way when you saw me heading towards you."

"Oh my God you are impossible."


"Manners don't cost a penny pinky."

"No but it would make some jerks more hot headed; you're already so full of yourself."

With an eye roll and hair-flip I continued my way to different shelves; i know bitchy and immature but he just gets under my skin.

'oh he was so..so...I wish I would not have to see him again,actually I never saw him around; I think he's new here .oh big deal,another arrogant prick in this already crowded with jerks high school'

But you know I'm very proud to call my luck a sassy bitch which keeps biting me in my as- ... Neck.

How was this chapter?keep my energy high with your lovely comments.

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Love ya💗

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