Scenario 2

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"Here use this condom Louis." Briana's ratchet ass voice screeches, she extends her ugly arm out opening her palm to reveal the foil packet. Louis looks at her suspiciously not sure why he needed to use that specific condom, he has a whole drawer full of them not even five feet away.

"Come on Louis." Briana whines resembling an ugly child who didn't get the right toy they wanted. Louis thinks "fook it I'm getting laid tonight no matter what." He obliges Briana's request with a shake of his head.

9 months later an african american baby girl is placed in his arms, Briana claims it is Louis' but Louis isn't dumb so he throws the baby out the window with a grunt. Briana screams and jumps out the window after the baby, "Serves them right" Louis huffs and thinks that's not my fooking job anymore.

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