Chapter six: Friends

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My calves burn and my shoulders ache from carrying my heavy backpack. I plunk down in the snow and try to catch my breath. "That was a lot harder than I thought it would be." I say between heavy breaths.
I stare down the rocky slope I just finished stumbling up. It's a miracle I didn't slip and tumble down now that I think about it.
My breathing starts to slow as I think about the walk so far.
I was walking along the cliff face for nearly two hours before I found this spot and I had only just managed to climb it. I could have found an easier route to get back to the top for sure, but that would have taken a lot of time and sadly time is not something I have a lot of. Cyan and I only have three days of food each at the most and every extra minute it takes me to get his leg proper treatment, has the extra risk of his wound harbouring an infection.
I get up and start walking in the general direction of home as I feel the stress of it all start to get to me. I try to push aside all thoughts of Cyan and the meat we desperately need for winter and I try to just stay focused. I try to banish my mood along with my thoughts, but the feeling of despair and hopelessness hovers in the air like the clouds over my head.
This feeling of despair was my life after mom died. If it wasn't for Kira and Lily it would have taken me a lot longer to recover than it did. They were the only friends from my old high school that kept talking to me after I dropped out. I'll get the odd awkward hello when someone sees me in town, but everyone mostly just ignores me. I don't really blame them though, who wants to be friends with a high school dropout.

My house is a half hour drive from town and Kira has strict parents, so whenever we hang out, we always go to Lily's. My lips curl into a little smile as I think about my only friends.

I've never been to Kira's house before, not even for a minute. I've always wanted to go, but she always insists on going to Lily's because of how strict her parents are. Her hair is really, really curly and she always has winged eye makeup. Even with all the makeup, she's as tomboy as a girl can get.
Kira's always been on the......... Quirky side and she doesn't have any friends besides Lily and I because of how "quirky" she is. My smile grows wider as I think about her weird obsession with animation films. Her favourite out of the many (and I mean many!) being Shrek. We could be talking about the most serious of topics and she would start rambling on  about onions and ogres both having layers or how cool it would be if there were actually talking donkeys.
Lily on the other hand is the polar opposite of Kira. She's the pretty one in the group and the only one of us with a boyfriend. While Kira watches Shrek and Finding Nemo, Lily watches YouTube videos and makeup tutorials. Lily has really thin blonde hair and her eyes are a mix of green and brown. I try to hold in a laugh as I think about her weird fear of blue eyes. If a boy asked her out and he had blue eyes, it would be a no without any hesitation.
Even though we all have completely different personalities we get along  surprisingly well and I thank all the gods everyday for that.

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