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Dear Ms.Iero,
I am deeply sorry to tell you that I will not be able to take Frank in for the year like you asked me to, actually I am not able to take him in at all. But please do not worry I have the situation all covered. I know a women that will gladly take your son in. She is a single mother that has two sons, one is about a year or two older than Frank and the other is fourteen years old. I'm sure that your son will fit right in with everyone there. Oh I've been rambling on and forgot to tell you the most important thing. The mother is a nurse who works at a mental institute and she specializes with people that have a condition much like Franks. She will make sure that everyday he takes the right amount of medication. I think this house will be a much better living space for him rather than my house. I hope he gets well soon.
Sincerely yours,
Doctor Andy Hurley
P.s; I forgot to tell you the northers name is Donna Way.


My first fanfic tbh and it's okay I guess
I don't know why i put this note as its own chapter but it just doesn't fit with the next part

But don't worry there's more


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