Dirty Little Secret

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"Frank come on already! We have to be there by three o'clock and its already two thirty one. My plane is going to leave around three forty five and I would love to not miss this flight," Franks mother yelled up the stairs to Frank.

"Mom, hold on. I'm going as fast as I can," but the truth was, Frank was going as slow as he could. On the outside you couldn't tell there was anything wrong with him, but on the inside? He was on the verge of having a nervous break down.

His thoughts were mainly what if's. What if they do not like me? What if they think I'm a freak for the way I dress? What if they are homophobic and kick me out for loving who I love? That won't be an issue though, because they won't find out, right? Because I do not have to tell them, I don't have to tell them anything. They're not my therapist, as if I would even tell a therapist anything. I guess this is my dirty little secret.

Frank took one last look at his smudged eyeliner in the mirror, before sighing, picking up his bags and heading down stairs to his very impatient mother.

"Frank. Why are you wearing that eyeliner? Don't you want to make a good impression? You don't want them to think that you're emo or a women do you?" his mother disgustedly asked.

"Mom, stop being so rude and stereotypical, not only women wear eyeliner and makeup. I can wear whatever I want. I do not care what they think about me. If they like it good, if they don't they can fuck themselves." Frank replied

"Language Frank Iero!" Ms Iero yelled and smacked the back of his head

"Lets please just go now."

- Franks p.o.v

The car ride to here took us about ten long minutes. The house I would be staying in looked nice from the outside, but like they say, you cannot judge a book from its cover. I'd be lying if I were to say I can't wait to see the people I will be living with. I would rather be home in my messy dark room sleeping, but things never go my way, ever.

Five seconds later the air was being squeezed out of my lungs. I am going to die.

"You must be Frank! It is such a pleasure to having you staying with us, I couldn't wait until you got here!" Someone I presumed was Donna, because after she was done squeezing me someone who looked about fourteen or so started yelling at her to let go of me. Hes a life saver.

"I'm sorry Frank. I just some times get a little carried away when I'm excited," she said, calmer this time, as she let go of me, " Well for Pete's sake lets get you inside out of this heat. Bye Mrs. Iero."

Before I could respond, or even say goodbye to my mother I was pulled into the house. I could not complain, the house was nice and it felt cooler than the outside, which I was thankful for. One of the first things I noticed about the house was they still had Christmas lights on, maybe they liked Christmas. Also the houses lights where dim and made everything cast a shadow, they were more homey rather than creepy shadows. The house had a relaxing and inviting feel to it. Even though I would rather be at home I could tell I would at least somewhat like it here.


Instead of Ms. Way giving me the whole speech about the house rules and how I am supposed to act, what my curfew is, and whatnot; she just told me to not be rude or mean and clean up after myself and that I would be fine.

"Oh and Frank? I don't know if anybody told you, but you will be sharing a room with my son, Gerard. His room is in the basement, the stairs are just down there at the end of the hallway. I hope that doesn't bother you." She added.

I froze. Great, I am going to hate this. I was excepting to not share a room, I wanted privacy. But I guess I don't get what I want. "That's okay Ms. Way, as long as there is no spiders I am fine," I assured her.

"Oh please call me Donna," she called as I started to walk towards the basement steps.


I did not expect this room to look like this. The room was dark, it had black walls with posters all over, it had a dark red carpet, a bunk bed, and a small desk in the middle. The thing I didn't notice was that there was a black haired guy sitting in the chair facing me. Another thing I did not notice is how hot he is.

"See something you like?" Gerard asked smirking

I shook my head no, but oh hell yes I do.

Maybe it won't be so bad sharing a room after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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