Chapter 29: Rooftop Fears and New Revelations

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Chapter 29: Rooftop Fears and New Revelations

I can still feel you when no one's around.
Yeah, I hear your heartbeat through all other sounds.
Just make me this promise, I'll make you my queen.
Won't you let me save you like you saved me?

'Crown' by The Cab plays through my earphones and into my ears, myself humming furiously along. I'm currently sat on my bed, back at school, doodling in my notebook.

It's been a week since the girls and I have returned to school, and also a week since Lauren and I almost kissed. The awkward air between us remains and neither of us speak to each other unless necessary. I think we are both still trying  to figure out everything that occurred. I know I am.

The girls obviously sense the tension between us and questioned me a few days ago, but I couldn't find myself to tell them. I feel like whatever happened between Lauren and I is between us and no one else. I'm assuming they questioned Lauren, too, but I don't think she shared because they still seem curious to know what's happened. I'm just wondering when all this will blow over. Though, I can't imagine it ever will.

A loud knocking brings me out of my thoughts and causes me to yank one of my earphones out of my ear. I look up to see if Camila or Ally will answer it, but they are laying on their beds, too indulged in their phones to even realise someone is at the door. Typical them.

I pull my other earphone out of my ear and drop it on my bed as I clamber off it and drag myself to the door lazily. It's just hitting nine o' clock and it's a Friday night, meaning being back to school for a week has tired me out. A lot.

I don't bother to look through the peep hole, but instead sling open the creaking door and say, "Hi." Once I realise who it is, my eyes widen a little and I straighten up, clearing my throat awkwardly. "Oh, hey, Lauren."

Her hand, which is wavering in the air, probably because she was about to knock again, lowers to her side and she offers me a small smile. "Hi, Y/N."

I don't meet her gaze, but instead focus on the carpeted floor. I don't know why, but after almost kissing her, I feel different looking at her the same. "What's up?"

She doesn't respond straight away, causing me to look up and see she is frowning disappointedly. When I catch her, her frown disappears and a small smile replaces it once again.

"I was just wondering if we could talk?" She shuffles awkwardly in her place and moves her hand behind her back with the other one. I wonder what she's thinking.

"Sure," I reply hesitantly, stepping to the side to allow her in. "Come on in."

She perks up when I say this. "Um, actually, can we talk somewhere private? I, um, I actually have somewhere already..."

I try to gulp down the lump in my throat and ignore the storm of butterflies in my stomach as I nod my head slowly. "Sure." Her eyes sparkle with a hint of happiness as I say this, and I turn away, not wanting to feel entranced.

"Girls, I'm just going to head out with Lauren for a bit," I say to Camila and Ally who are still quietly involved with their devices. "Is that okay?"

They mumble incoherently, their eyes never leaving their phones, so I take this as a yes and grab my phone off my bed, before walking out the door and into the hallway with Lauren.

"So... where to?" I ask awkwardly, still not looking her directly in the eyes.

"Just follow me," is all she says as she walks ahead of me, her long, dark hair, flowing behind her in the small wind she creates as she walks.

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