Chapter 36: Hasty Decisions and Lost Sounds

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Chapter 36: Hasty Decisions and Lost Sounds

***Pretend Lauren isn't in the above gif lol because I couldn't find a gif of the girls looking sad without Lauren in it***

The thick, blanket of smoke wraps itself around the interior of the building and unfortunately, I'm caught up in its revenge. Flickering embers fly around me, temporarily blinding me as I navigate my way through the fiery blaze. I don't think I've seen anything like this in my life. I'm surprised everyone got out with no major injuries. Well, almost everyone.

"Lauren?!" I yell at the top of my lungs, before coughing into my jumper I'm wearing. There's limited oxygen in here, so I need to be fast or I'll be another victim to this hellhole.

I push past the broken, burnt pieces of furniture, and try to avoid getting burnt. Unfortunately, a chandelier from the ceiling that is hanging on its last hinges, falls and crashes to the ground, spreading a wildfire which just happens to catch my arm.

I scream, the excruciating pain buzzing on my arm. All the curses that have possibly ever been said resonate in my mind as I grit my teeth to subside the pain. This is definitely more painful than a broken heart. Trust me, I would know.

"F*ckin' hell, Lauren!" I yell again, making my way around the whole of the bottom floor of the building. She couldn't have gone upstairs because no one did. But, that's when the memory of Lauren cheating on me pops into my mind, and I get an idea.

I rush to the closet that brings on bad memories, ignoring the sparks of fire that sting my arms, and kick the locked door open. Wait, why is it locked?

An unconscious body is laying on the floor beside the wall, and I immediately rush there, kneeling by her side. Someone has done this. She wouldn't just have a huge bruise above her eye for no reason. And whoever did this has a sick mind. I search her body for any injuries and see that there are none, thankfully. The room is full of smoke, though, meaning I need to get her out of here. Fast.

I take off my jumper, leaving me in just my tee shirt, and wrap it around her mouth, blocking her from breathing in any more carbon monoxide.

I ignore the tears that race down my cheeks from the unbearable pain in my arm and the sight of my helpless girlfriend, and lift Lauren up bridal-style. She isn't heavy which I'm grateful for, because if she was even the slightest bit heavier, I'm pretty sure my burnt arm would give out.

"I'm gonna get you out of here," I whisper to her, making my way through the fiery room. "I promise."

I try my best to shield any raging fires from touching her – she isn't getting hurt if I can help it. Unfortunately, that means that my arms are getting severely burnt, and if it wasn't for the sliver of light I see at the entrance, I would drop down here. I feel my lungs inhaling and exhaling deeply, searching for any fresh air, but there isn't any. But, I push myself to the door, not wanting to give up now.

"Do you see that?" I smile sadly, feeling my salty tears on my lips as I look down to a beautiful, but unconscious looking Lauren. "We're almost out. You're going to be okay, Laur. You're going to make it."

The fresh night air hits me in the face as I step outside, and I frantically inhale deeply for the craving of fresh air. The girls, a group of firemen, and a some medics holding a gurney rush up to me. I lay Lauren carefully on the gurney, removing the jumper from her mouth and watching the medics place an oxygen mask on her. My eyes scan her body and I'm thankful that there are only a few minor burns on her arms, but nothing else. Well, aside from the huge bruise on her face.

"Y/N!" the girls yell in unison, causing me to look their way. I'm immediately enveloped in a group hug and I scream as my burns throb with pain.

"Someone come help her!" I hear Ally shout out, but her voice sounds so distant.

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