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Skylar had never been on a plane with a tv before. But then again, she's never flown for so long before. The longest was nearly five hours. This one is twenty hours and seventeen minutes, with two stopovers for an hour each. Great.

Not only were there a tv at every seat, the chairs were really comfortable and luxury (see picture). There were two seats on the left side of the plane, and three on the right. Where Skylar could see the rest of Luke's band sitting. There were also a little wall between the seats, which was great when she would get tired of Luke. Right now, they were enjoying them self, eating some ships he bought, and watching lion king. The greatest movie of all time, they had both agreed on. They had managed to start the film in front of their seats at the exact same time, so it was playing in sync. They were now halfway through the movie, and Skylar found her self chuckling of how funny it was watching Luke all into the film, with the weird, big plane headset on. Luke noticed her stare, and as awkward as he is, he decided to just stare back. And as awkward as Skylar was, she held it.
"You're such an awkward person" Skylar laughed and shook her head. She noticed him look a little embarrassed and quickly apologized. "Why are you apologizing?" Luke laughed "I know I am an awkward person" he really did. People said it to him all the time, and he just laughed and agreed back. "Sorry" Skylar muttered. "You're doing it again! I've been on this plane with you for around three hours, and you've apologized more times than the number of concerts I've played. You don't need to apologize for everything Skylar"
She knew he only meant it nicely. Still, it didn't feel like that. Just thank God he said it in a really soft voice.
Skylar had gotten really used to apologizing lately. Even though she knows something's not her fault, still, she just feel the need to. If someone bumps into her, she's the first to say sorry, terrified of what might happen if she doesn't apologize.
"Hey, are you alright?" Luke noticed there was something wrong. She seemed a bit stressed, he thought. That's when he thought it would be completely fine to try and calm her down, by putting his hand on hers. Just as he nearly touched her with his finger tips, Skylar's eyes widened in shock and fear. She moved her arm to her chest faster than Luke could blink. Skylar's eyes were still wide open. Her body tense and shaky. Breathing really fast.
Luke didn't understand why she freaked out like that, he just touched her. Still he immediately regret his action, apologizing, like Skylar had done countless times.

As Luke reached for her arm, Skylar had gotten so scared, and did what she usually does when a boy makes physical contact with her.

Once Skylar had finally calmed down, and Luke had finally shut up, realizing that it would only get worse with him talking. She had moved as far away from Luke as possible in the plane chair. Her eyelids closing, and sleep took over.
Luke slowly opened one left eye, as he woke up to the flight attendants voice over the speaker. "Hope you've enjoyed the flight so far, we're looking forward to seeing you again in 65 minutes, when the plane is again ready for take off, thank you"
Just as she finished, he felt the plain landing. As he yawned, he noticed Skylar hadn't woken up yet.
"Skylar" he whisper shouted, for no use.
"Hey, Skylar" he tried again, louder this time. "Mhmmmm" she lazily replied him. "Wake up sleepyhead, we're at the first stopover." He watched Skylar manage to sit up, stretching and yawning before finally opening her eyes.
Which relieved a smiling Luke. Skylar closed her eyes and yawned one final time, before unbuckling her seatbelt, getting ready to exit the plane

Skylar scanned the airport. She had no idea where she was, so she tried looking for answers around the airport. She could get the language written over the English one, so that didn't help. But she knew that she had to fly over Africa, so she knew she was in one of the countries closest to America.
Wherever she was in the airport, it weren't much to do there. There were a tiny, tiny kiosk, or just a stand basically. Lots of seats, more empty than taken. There weren't much people either. There were probably under a hundred people in here. There were also a sandwich bar here. She could feel her hunger raising. Her last meal, except from the chips, were a slice of bread with Nutella many hours ago. She were asleep a couple of hours on the plane, and with the timezones, she could figure how many hours it's been since she left home.
She had been talking to Luke for nearly three hours. But when she fell asleep, she could sleep for 10 hours, even if it was in the middle of the day, which it was. Her and Luke hadn't really talked about much. The talked a lot about music, and then dancing for some weird reason. They had read a gossip mag Skylar's mom had bought her. It was a really girly mag, so they basically just made fun of everything. Especially the "Dear Harry's dimples" page. The fans were totally overreacting about them, and Luke nearly called Harry himself, to read it to him. Apparently he totally forgot he was on a plane.
And when they ranted about how hot Luke was, Skylar couldn't help her self, but read it all in a really girly voice, with a British accent. They both laughed so hard, they woke up the elderly man behind them, who kept complaining about how annoying teenagers were. When Skylar started singing "teenagers" by My Chemical Romance, thinking he wouldn't hear, he got even agrier. They actually had a really good time, laughing about the stupid things in the mag. Taking tests to find out what 5sos member they would match with. Luke got a bit sad when he got a Calum, and not himself. But when Skylar also got Calum, he just laughed. The rest of the time, they had just talked about random stuff. Somehow, they got to discussing royalty and monarchy.

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