Step 5?: uh... Faze battle?

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The faze klan march down a dark road. Everything around them is destroyed. Everyone dead. They know where the last of the mlg players are. They march, without fear but putting fear and death to others. They have killed the fur fags and are heading to diz nay to kill snoop and the mlg players that might cost them the swag master. They reach disneey and start to massacre the characters. They burn down buildings and slay everyone that moves. Those who fight back die without hesitation. The faze klan won. They definitely destroyed disney and everything in it. Everyone is dead.

Faze guy: "wait, what the fuck!!?? Where is snoop dog? And skrek and spader man and Shepard and those faggets?"
Another faze guy: " no fucking klue man."
Third face guy: " weren't they in Dizzznnnniiiii?"
Forth faxe guy: " yeah where are they???"
Third guy: " let's ask the survivors. You! Where is snoop???"
Prince charm: "he went on a space shit to get Shepard. Plz don't rekt me!!!"
First fage guy: " don't worry m8 I won't"

Second faze guy takes out an awp and quick scoops charm prince.

1st guy: " I told u fag I won't kill him. Lel"
6th faze guy: " Lel. But where could snoop be now?"
7th faze guy: " I was on the ship when they left. And they said they were going back to diznai!!!"
8th guy: " that can only mean one thing. They are at diznai in Chinnnnnnaaaaaa!!!"

The faze klan decide to buy a boat and head to chin aAAA.

Faze master: " we will get you this time snoop. And I will be swag master until the year 69696969420696969. I will have lots of 69's if you know what I mean!!! Mwahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhah.
*coughs* oh mlg that hurt. Ouch. Toooo much laughing hurts!!!! Anyways let's get to Chiiiiiinnnnaaaa."

So they have a ship and stuff. And they head to China. But they have to pass through JAPAN!!!!!

Fax guy 7: " hey faze master? You know we have to go through JAPAN to get 2 chinnnna right?"
Master: " oh god we do??? Oh shit that is bad."
6 guy: " is it because of radiation?"
4 guy: " is it because of soldiers?"
18 gay: " is it because it's hard to go around?"
Master: " no. It's worse that all those things combined. We have to go through. Anime!!!!!"

All faze members gasp. Some jumped off the boat. Others start to cry.

Master: " it will be a hard journey mein m8's But we will take it so I can get the swag master!!!!"

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