Voltariens (Chapter Four)

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We all got dressed and enjoyed some grape kool-aide. I picked up Lily and hid a pistol in the back of my pants and covered it with my shirt. I motioned for Daryl to come with us but then all of a sudden he started screaming. I whipped my head around and saw our neighbor, Mr. Buttleser. His clothes were tore and he was bloody. Lily hid her head in my shoulder. "Mr. Buttleser! Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!" I set Lily down and told her to run to Daryl. He took her into the living room.

"Mr. Buttleser, don't worry I will do my best to help you." I was terrified. I barely had enough medical supplies for Lily, my husband, and myself. How was I going to help other people? But Mr. Buttleser has been our next-door neighbor ever since we moved in here. He would babysit Lily and he made her smile. She loved him, even though he was 87 years old.

I lifted him up from behind his back and wrapped his arm around me so I could get him up better. We walked over to the kitchen table and I helped him into the chair. I ran to the counter and grabbed my first aid kit. The only thought in my head was "How am I going to be able to save him?" I got some gauze and started cleaning him up. Peter’s cuts weren't as bad as I originally thought.

"Daryl, can you stay here with Mr. Butteser? I am going to take Lily and we are going to go through the town and see if anyone else needs help."

"Babe no! What about the Voltariens?! I don't want you two out there alone!" Daryl screamed with a terrified look on his face.

Lily smiled and said,"Daddy, mommy can keep me safe."

I was not expecting this at all, "Don't worry Daryl. Your wife is a very smart lady. She is doing the right thing, and besides, I found out they only come out at night. They hide during the day. That's how this happened," Peter Butteser said looking down at his torso, "I was looking to see where they hid during the day and I fell into one of their traps. I must have been close. I do not want to go back until I am healed up. Please promise me you will not go near the woods in town!"

"I won't Peter. I promise you. Besides I have Lily with me, I am not going to risk her getting hurt." I say with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

I grabbed my small bag and still had the pistol. Lily put her arms in the air wanting me to carry her. I picked her up and we started walking towards town.

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