Chapter 19

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Nandos is quite a bit away so it's a long journey...but totally worth it. Niall starts to sing to you, so you turn the radio off. He grabs your hand while he sings.

" Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me,

but bear this in mind it was ment to be,

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheek,

And it all makes sense to me".

You: You're an amazing singer, you know that?

Niall: I'm not the best...but thank you babe

You look out of your rearview mirror and see paps following your car.

You: How do they know my car?!

Niall: Well it's been in front of my house for a few days, and there's paps there everyday trying to get pictures.

You: True

Niall: Anyway, I can't wait to move into that house *laughs*

You: I know, we moving tomorrow?

Niall: Yeah, we can get up early and get decorators to go and paper walls and stuff, while we go to IKEA and places like that, tomorrow will be so busy.

You: Yeah, I'm so excited *squeals*

Niall starts dancing in his seat, jumping up and down, you can't stop laughing which is quite dangerous when your driving.

You: Nialler?

Niall: Yup princess?

You: Could you phone Rachel for me? And say that we're sorry we'll be another 10 minutes and just to go and order?

Niall: Sure, is your phone in your bag?

You: Yup.

Niall gets your phone and calls Rachel and puts it on loud speaker.


Niall: It's Niall, Christy's driving.

Rachel: How long will you be?

Niall: Another 15 minutes or so, order without us, we'll be there soon, okay?

Rachel: Oh okay then, see ya Nialler!

Niall: See ya.

Niall hangs up, but doesn't put down your phone.

You: What are you up to?

Niall: Taking pictures of myself for you *laughs*

Niall takes loads of pictures, he chooses a really funny one, but he looks extremely hot in it and tweets it as you, putting the message.

"Hey, it's Nialler here! I'm on Christy's phone, she should of known I'd take pictures :D"

You laugh as he shows you what he tweeted.

Niall: We need to get a picture together tonight babe, I want to make it my screen lock!

You: I know! I want one of us kissing as well, just cause it looks cute!

Niall: Yeah!

You: Oh we're here

Niall starts dancing again and starts getting excited for his Nandos, you get out and watch as Niall starts to dance around you. Loads of press are here already because of the other boys, they start taking pictures of you and Niall. Someone stops Niall and starts questioning him. Niall puts his arms around your side and pulls you close.

Press: We saw you and Kirsty? Christina? Looking at houses together, are you moving in together?

Niall: Sorry I don't know anyone called Kirsty? Or Christina? And what I do is none of your business unless I tell you me and my girlfriend CHRISTY are going to go have a meal with our best friends, so in other words....fuck off mate.

Niall pulls you away before you can start laughing and pushes past all the press. He stops at the door way to be seated and tells then we're with the others. Before he goes over he pulls you close and smiles, then leans down and gives you a passionate kiss infront of everyone. You blush and Niall giggles and dances towards the table...

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