Ch. 30

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***No story about the parents, I've been thinking too much about the trilogy anyways. Are you guys excited?***

**I hope so because it's coming out in a couple of weeks***

***Reziah in the MM if you can see him***

2 weeks later, 


After that little sexual incident Reizon and I had, I told him he had to wait several weeks- and he understood that completely. 

Right now, it's 6 in the morning and I was downstairs, breast feeding Reziah because he woke up so early, ready to be fed.

"Good morning, beautiful" Reizon popped out unexpectedly, giving me a quick kiss on my lips

I looked at him, seeing him in his work clothes, "I thought you was off today?"

"No, I was off yesterday" He smirked a little, going in the fridge to get some orange juice "Want me to cook you something before I leave?"

"No, no, I'm fine" I smiled wearily at him, rocking Reziah a little bit

Reziah kept whining, his brown eyes watering when I put my breast back into my shirt. 

Sighing in frustration, I patted his back as I placed him against my shoulder. Rezion looked at me weirdly, as if he was trying to figure out something. Looking away, I rolled my eyes, just waiting for 10 o'clock to roll around so Quinta could come over. 

When I tell you that Reziah loves Quinta, he does. He always wants to be around her and you never hear one fuss when she's here. I'm telling you, this little chub chub got the hots for that girl. 

And her butt...

Soon, Reziah started wailing loudly in my ear- I groaned. I tried to calm him down, but that automatically backfired in my damn face. I handed him to Reizon, who caressed his back- Reziah stopped crying, letting out a cute, yet loud hiccup. 

Reizon kissed his chubby cheek, about to hand him back to me. Reziah poked out his bottom lip, whining once again when I held him. 

"I think he wants to spend time with you" I chuckled

"He wasn't like that yesterday" He smacked his lips "He ripped some of my skin off my cheek when I tried to pick him up" 

I laughed and Reziah kept trying to dig his little hand in between my cleavage. 

Hearing him babble, he started to drool and I wiped his mouth with his soft bib. I looked at his big brown eyes- resembling something that Reizon kind of had. He had the color of Reizon's eyes and the wideness of mine. Whenever he frowned, he looked just as mean and intimidating like his father. 

Right now, Reziah is frowning and I knew he was about to start up a fuss and cry. I shook my head as we stared at each other and he pouted, his eyes watering- soon wailing hysterically. 

"Want me to stay home?" Reizon asked

"No, I can manage-"

"Paisley, no you can't. C'mon, I can take off work for a while. I'm sure Rodney wouldn't mind if I only worked on the weekends" He took out his phone, calling someone

"Reizon, no-"

"Hey Rodney, yeah, I'm having baby mama problems" He chuckled. I  snarled at him "Nah, I'm just kidding"

He wandered off, which made Reziah cry more and longer- making me sad as I bit on my bottom lip. Following Reizon's footsteps, he just got off the phone with a little smile on his face. 

"I told you he wouldn't mind" He kissed my forehead, taking Reziah out of my hands "Aye, lil chunk chunk- lookin' like ya momma" 

Rolling my eyes, I ran my hands over my distraught face. Reizon stood behind me, squeezing my ass. 


"This is the only thing I get to do when my weeks are over" He smacked my bum

"Can you quit it?" I snapped "Reziah is right beside you"

"He's asleep"

I turned around, seeing Reziah fast asleep on Reizon's shoulder. Shooing him off, I went upstairs to take a nap. I was up basically all night, trying to calm Reziah who was on and off with his awakening routine. 

Reizon went to tuck Reziah asleep and was now hot on my tail as he took off his work outfit- leaving him in only boxers.

"Baby," Reizon followed right behind me , wrapping his muscular arms around my body

Ignoring him, I walked inside our bedroom. 

"Thickums," He sighed "Stop being like that. I understand you're stressed out, but let me help you"

"Help me?" I raised my eyebrow

"Yes. Y'know I got you, and y'know I love your ass like crazy- I would do anything for you. I would do anything to see that gorgeous smile on your face again" He touched my cheeks, this thumbs rubbing them softly "No matter how tired and slump you look, I love seeing your big blue eyes, chubby cheeks, plump lips, and caramel skin everyday. Stop pushing yourself too hard and doing all the work when you know we take turns. You do half, I do half. 

You cook, I clean. You go to work, I stay home. I go to work, you stay home. You drive, I sit in the passenger seat- and vice versa. Everything is vice versa, you understand?" He questioned. I nodded "I'mma need you stop driving your damn self crazy because we both are taking care of him and Lonnie. I know it's a lot of work, but know that I'm here for you along the way. C'mere"

He pulled me into a warming embrace as we laid on the bed. Feeling his hands run through my hair, he placed his chin upon my shoulder- his mouth in the crook of my neck as he nibbled slightly on my skin. 

"Stop being mad all the time, cutie" His hands rubbed my bare stomach, since his hand creeped up my shirt

"I'm not mad all the time, Reizon" I spat

"See, there you go again" He grinned

"Whatever" I shooed him off

He wiggled his fingers in my sides, making me hit his chest as I giggled. He smiled, happy to see me laugh for the first time in a couple of weeks. 

"So, how's this wedding planning coming along, hm?" He sucked on my jawline

"Well, it's all good, y'know?" I smirked 

"What you got so far?"

"Nothing" I pouted

He snickered, "Really, Paze?"

"I'm sorry, I just really don't want a big wedding. Like, just the crew, that's it" I shrugged "Because most of my family is either gone or I don't know them"

He bit his lip, "Same here, but it's okay. Something small, that's reasonable. Alright," He got a notebook from off the floor and a pen "Colors?"

"Blue and cream"

"Flowers or anything?" He asked


"Roses and daisies, huh?" He chuckled. I blushed 

Hearing the front door being knocked on continuously, Reizon groaned getting up from the bed. Following him going downstairs, he went to the front door. 

He opened the door, only to see my dad there with a backpack. My dad sighed, kissing his teeth when he saw Reizon with no shirt on. 

"Dad, what happened? Where's momma?" I questioned

"Ya momma kicked me out the damn house" 

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