Ch. 32

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***Paisley in the MM if you can see her***

4 weeks later,


Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit...

"Baby, I'm sorry" Paisley sighed

I ignored her, just staring at her eyes, "Move"


I got up from the couch. Sometimes I wondered if she ever thinks I would leave or do something to hurt her. It kind of bothers me actually. I know I'm not perfect and I know I can't try to be perfect, but damn, I'm putting in some fucking effort. I love this girl with all my heart and honestly, I don't know if she loves me back.

"Do you love me, Paze?"

"Of course I do," She frowned "Why would you ask me that?"

"Because you've been bombarding me with this shit for too long, like you're trying your hardest to leave. It just feels that way and it's hurting a nigga"

Yes, that's one secret nobody knows about me. I'm sensitive, but not too sensitive.

"I'm tired of saying the same shit over and over again- just let me help you. Let me be there for you, let me be the one you cry on instead of your knees. Let me be the one to hug you tight instead of yourself. Let me be the one to give you anything and all the affection you need and want. Just let me be the man to protect you, have you, love you, comfort you.

I'm not trying to scare you off, Paisely. But you're hurting me. I know you're insecure, but you're making me insecure as shit. This is fucking irritating my gotdamn soul, and I can't do shit about it!"

She sat there on the couch as I stood, covering my face- tears running down. My emotions are taking over me and my feelings were running wild.

"This is my last time, my fucking last time saying this shit to you, Paze" I strained "I don't give a fuck about them other bitches, they can throw themselves at me as much as they fucking want. But who the hell I got my arms wrapped around? Who's the woman I got my lips planted on? My eyes on, my hands on, huh? You let your insecurities get the best of you all the damn time and it's annoying as fuck!

I love you and I care for your ass- since day one. Since fucking day one- you are mine, that's it. No matter what others say to put us down, to make everything for us a living hell- I don't care. I got you, and only you and you're mine.

When I get back home from dropping Lonnie off at daycare, and Reziah off at Q and Rasheed's house- I want you in workout clothes"

. . . .

We sat in the car in the parking lot of the park. Imma help her out a little bit, because Paisley doesn't like her body shape.

It's a turn on, so I- never mind.

"Why are we here?" She asked, looking out the window

"To play on the swings" I looked at her

She kissed her teeth, "Be serious"

"We're just gonna walk and jog the trail for half an hour" I shrugged, rubbing her thigh "C'mon, out, out"

She grinned a little bit and I can still tell she's trying to take in everything I said back at the house.

We got out the car and we stood on the mulch of the playground.

"Alright, first we stretch, then warm up"

"What's the warm up?"

"Walking for 5 minutes"

"Okay and the rest is?"


"Hell no-"

"Paze, you can take breaks" I chuckled "It's gonna be okay, it's a process"

"Okay, okay... Then what's the cool down and stuff" She questioned, putting her hands on her hips

"Cool down is walking and stretching and we have another workout-"

"Another? Hell no!"


"I'm sorry" She whined

"You like yoga right?"

"Ooh, yay!" She clapped

Laughing, we walked down the trail and started for the day.

30 minutes later,

"Eep!" She squealed

"What's wrong now?" I snickered

"I saw a wasp near my face, Imma die out here" She ran to me

"Girl, no you not. Stop being scared," I grabbed her ass "You did good today, baby"

"I felt like this was the pacer all over again" She breathed, patting her chest "Mai hawt"

"Your what?"

"Mai hawt"

"Your what?"

"My heart!"

"This ass" I spanked her

"Would you stop?" She started car fighting me

. . .

"Mm, baby don't stop, don't stop!" She moaned, as I pulled her hair back

I was fucking her from behind in the hot shower- her screaming filling the entire house and possibly the whole neighborhood. She started banging on the slippery wall and I bent her over, slapping her ass roughly.


"No.." I growled, gripping her waist

"Papi!!!" She started to cum "Fuck! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday!"

Damn, she remembered...

"Reizon," She sobbed

Oh God, not again.

"What's wrong?" I stopped

"Wh-What are you do-ing? Keep going" She cried

"Am I hurting you?"

"No, I just can't take your dick like I used to" She wiped her face

"Baby, you never could" I licked my lips


I tipped toed to the door, my legs wobbling at each step.

Reizon laughed at me as he watched, "Can you help me? Please?" I pouted

"Help with what, grandma?"

I snarled at him, "It's not funny"

"Don't get sassy, ma. That was your punishment and my present- thank you" He kissed my forehead

"Oh that reminds me" I got on the floor, crawling to the bed

"What are you doing?"

"It hurts to walk.. But I'm getting your present" I giggled, grabbing the box from underneath the bed

He walked behind me, and sat next to me on the floor. Handing him the gift, he opened it.

In his hand was car keys to a Mercedes Benz and a pair of all white Timberlands.

He loves boots just as much as he loves sneakers...

He also held up a card and he read it out loud, "I love you so much, baby. You're all I could ever ask for. Thank you for putting up with all my petty shit and irrelevant doings for so long. Thank you for looking out for me and Lonnie all the time and I appreciate you with all my heart. Without you, I honestly wouldn't be complete. I know you're not perfect, but you're perfect for me. I love you. Happy 23rd birthday, Reizon. Now give me a kiss"

"I didn't write the kiss part"

"I know" He kissed my lips "I love you too, Babygirl"

There was one more card left.

I luv you, daddy. Tank you for being here for me and mommy. Happy birthday -Lonnie

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