The Replacement (Teacher/Student AU)

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Sorry i havent updated, my summer was full of moving houses and demolishing the old one. It was alot and then i go back to school in 2 days so yea.

So here is an update before the school year starts for me.

Inspiration: School (no none of my teachers are hot enough so none of this is about them. My fantasies dont go anywhere with those guys (half lie, one of the english teachers and my volleyball coach is capital H.O.T.) still not about him tho)


Gabriel's POV

Ahh school, the best place for me to play pranks. I am known around the whole school for my pranks on both the teachers and my fellow students. I go by many names: Gabriel, Gabe, Candyman, Loki, and, my personal favorite, Trickster!

I like playing all kinds of pranks on people, my favorite still being the classical whoopie cushion. But out of all of the pranks i have played, i am most proud of the one i am currently putting together for the english teacher, Metatron.

You see, no one around here likes him very much, we call him Metadouche, so i plan on making this my best one yet. Alright so my plan is this.

Part one:
Bucket above the door filled with rainbow glitter. Clear tape is attached to the door and the wall for him to to crash into. There is a string attached to the bucket that will drop it when he walks into the tape.

Part two:
After the laugh over Metadouche in glitter he will walk over to his chair, as usual, and there is an airhorn right under it that will go off when he sits.

And last but not least
Part three:
This is just a simple switcharoo of the dry erase markers with sharpies.

Metadouche won't know what hit him.

The whole class was in on it so they made sure to duck into the room, so as not to crash and ruin it all.

The bell has rung, and now we wait. Metatron is usually 5 minutes late, so we all got our phones ready to record the Tricksters best moment ever.

"Okay here he comes guys!" I whisper out loud to the class. We all waited in anticipation.

Suddenly, we see a teacher walk in... but it wasn't Metatron. "Oh shit!" He crashed into the tape, he was pretty tall so it hit his chest. The bucket came down and it rained glitter all over his hair. "WHAT THE..!?!" Me and the rest of the class stifled our laughs.

"Who did this?!" He says as he frantically shakes his head to get the glitter out.

Everyone in class looks at me and i just give them a look of pure shock. "Traitors!!"

"What's your name kid?" I look up at him and take in his features.

His hair was up in a small ponytail, his eyes were brown - no... green.. anyway, they were beautiful. He was tall, maybe 6'4", he was in a clean cut suit. I was dazzled by his... his, dare i say it, his beauty.

"Kid?" He said, i snapped out of my tance.

"Huh oh u-um Gabriel uh N-novak." Did i just stutter! I never stutter! I make others stutter! WHAT THE HELL!!

"Novak eh. Well Mr. Novak, detention after school, here, for 1 hour." He delivered that without breaking eye contact with me, it sent a shiver down my spine.

"O-okay..." AGAIN WITH THE STUTTERING!! Oh crap the other pranks! Metatron, no matter how douchie he was, never gave me a detention for my pranks. But this guy already gave me one hour.

He was scanning the room a bit, he was glaring at the chair by the desk, he walks over to it and presses the seat with his hand. The airhorn goes off and he doesn't even blink.

"Was this you too, Novak?" He looks up at me and i try to keep my composure.

"So what if it was?" i cross my arms and lean back in my chair, propping my legs on the desk. My lips curve into a small smirk as we have a minor staring contest.

He stands up and brushes some stray pieces of glitter off his shoulder. He slowly walks over to my desk, in the front row, and pushes my legs off the desk, smirking. "Two hours."

"Damn." I say to myself as he walks over to the whiteboard. The "markers" were right there. Dammit, well there goes most of my afternoon.

He picks up the sharpie and writes his name on the board, Mr. Winchester. Nice name, like the rifle, the gun that won the west.

He must have smelled the sharpie, because he suddenly turned to glare at me again.... well more like bitchface me.

"Problem, Mr. Winchester?" I smirked full on this time and watched him recap the marker and dig into his bag for a dry erase.

He pulls one out and continues on, his back to the class. "Three hours now, Mr. Novak. Any other things i should know about?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Now, good morning class. My name is Mr. Winchester and i will be replacing Mr. Metatron for the rest of the year. It appears that he has quit from being sick of the pranks. Looks like i have found the culprit." he looks at me and i give him a cheeky smile.

~~~~Time skip brought to you by Angel of the Lord, Castiel~~~~

I came back to his classroom after school ended. He was completely clean of the glitter and his hair was out of the ponytail.

It looked better down, made me want to run my hands through it. What can i say, i'm a sucker for long hair.

Speaking of suckers, i pulled out a cherry lollipop and chucked the wrapper Mr. Winchester. He looked up at me, and i knew this was going to be an interesting three hours.


Okay well i guess this is going to be two parts

There will be smut in the next part


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