You Are Such A Klutz (Smut)

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Ok so this is my start off to this book of Sabriel.
Haha that sounds all holy and shit.

But yea to start off this "Book of Holy" I am going to give ya'll some smut. HOLY SHIT! *bu dum tss* ..... *crickets chirping* Okay MOVING ON!

So smut, don't like don't read. Simple

*Warning: May cause nosebleed* haha.. no.. ok

....yea im gonna go cause i know ya'll prolly didn't read all that shit... Oh well, on to the story!



(No one's POV)
Sam was waiting right outside the Trickster's Gold, the best candy store in all of Lawrence, Kansas. What was he waiting for, his best friend in all the world and the owner of the candy store, Gabriel Novak.

They moved into an apartment together after high school, they were always good friends, ever since freshman year. So they had a routine for everyday, Sam would wake up, go to his classes and then go wait for Gabe to get off work. Gabe didn't go the college, but he always got up earlier than Sam and made sure that everything was in order, or else Sam would have his head.

Gabe liked that Sam would patiently wait for him day after day. He looked so cute while he waited, yes the little Trickster had a crush on the giant moose, but could you blame him, Sam was hot. He was tall, his hair was amazing, it took everything in Gabe not to just run his fingers through it, and his eyes were beautiful, sure they were brown, but every now and again they looked green. Gabe was always getting lost in them.

It was almost closing time and there was nobody else in the shop so he decided to close up early.

He locked up and turned to see Sam with his back to him and his face in a book. He didn't hear Gabe coming up behind him, until Gabe reached over and squeezed his butt.

"GABRIEL!!" Sam yelled nearly dropping his book. "KYAAA!!" Gabe yelled back and covered his face with his arms "I regret nothing!". Sam gave his signature bitchface and started walking off.

"Hey wait for m-! WOAH!!" Gabe ran over to catch up and ended up tripping. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. This caused Sam to turn and run to him. "GABE! Gabe you okay man?!" He lifted him up and saw that his hands and knees were bruised and a little bloody, not too bad. "Well i've been better."

"God you are such a klutz. Come on lets get home and clean you up." Sam said

"Okay... but it hurts to stand." Gabe made a cute little pouty face and Sam sighed but gave in. He motioned for Gabe to get on his back. Gabe got up and leaned his head on Sam's shoulder blades.

The walk to the apartment was quiet, comfortable quiet. Gabe ended up taking a nap and dreaming about Sam.

(Gabes Dream)
He and Sam were sitting in the room watching a movie, when Gabe looked over at the moose to find him staring back. "What, is there something on my face?" Gabe asked, rubbing his face. "Hey Gabe... I love you." Gabe smiled wide and pulled Sam into a kiss. He pulled away only to say "I love you too Samsquatch" and reattached their lips.

This kiss was much more passionate. Sam licked Gabes bottom lip, asking for entrance, which Gabe immediately gave. Sam's tongue was exploring Gabes mouth and his hands were running through his hair, making Gabe let out a moan.

Sam's hands travelled down and palmed him through his pajama pants. Gabe threw his head back and moaned loudly. Sam latched onto his neck and looked around for his sweet spot. He was licking and sucking until Gabe moaned again, he had found it.

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