Chapter One.

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****Two Weeks Earlier******
Naevehs POV.
"Come one Naeveh you gotta get up!" I feel someone flopping down onto my bed.
I look up to see Mr, Cheeky A$$ Irwin. Also known as my boyfriend.
"Mmmhhmmm." I say closing my eyes and rolling over to try to go back to sleep.
"Common Naeveh! Its 1:39pm and we have a party to go to at 7:30! So you need to get motivated for the day!" Ashton says.
I flip back over to look at him.
"Hi baby." I say pecking his lips.
"Hi babe! Now get up we gotta do something before the party!" He says smiling and getting off the bed.
I sigh and get out of bed. I walk down stairs to get some food. When I'm down there I see the rest of the boys down there.
I walk over to Mikey and hug him.
"Hey sleeping beauty!" He says.
Oh! Did I mention me and Mikey are brother and sister! He's only older by 39 minutes.
"Don't call me that." I say growling but then laughing.
"Okay good morning grumpy troll." He says chuckling.
All the other boys start laughing as I flip them off and grab a bowl of cereal to eat.
"So big party tonight at One Directions Flat. Before the tour." Luke says.
"Don't remind me of tour please! I know you guys leave in two days." I say looking at my cereal all the sudden not hungry with that thought about them leaving for tour placed in my head.
"I'm sorry sissy." Luke says hugging me. Beside Ashton all the boys are like brothers to me.
"Mhmmm." I say getting up and walking back into my room just leaving my bowl still full of cereal there.
I turn around and close and lock my door. I slide my back down the door and place my head on my knees.
They leave in two days! For 17 months! What am I going to do! My boyfriend and brother and my best friends leaving me to just live in our flat by myself!
I feel the tears bulid up in my eyes. I close my eyes trying to get them to stop from rolling down. But it was no use. Small sobs slipped from my lips and tears just rolled freely down my face.
"Hey babe. Its me let me in." I hear Ashton say from the other side of the door.
I open the door and fly into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck as I sob into his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist as we stand there just holding each other.
"Babe stop crying. Your going to make me cry." He says trying to laugh but I can tell he's fighting back tears when his voice cracks.
After a few minutes my sobs have turned into sniffles and my tears have finally stopped falling.
"Hey. We have two days. Were going to make the best out of them alright?" He says wiping my tears.
I just nod my head.
"Why don't we watch a movie then you can get ready after okay?" He asks.
I smile at his idea. He picks me up bridal style and plops me down on his bed as I giggle aloud. He puts in Finding Memo and comes to lay down.
I feel my eyes start to get heavy and I let them fall while I'm cuddled with Ashton.
"Naeveh!" I feel someone shake me.
I look up at Ashton shaking me awake.
"What?" I ask.
"Time for the party!" He says.
I get out of bed and push Ashton out of the door so I can get ready.
I grab my black strapless skin tight dress from my closet. I also grab my black sparkling heals and some earnings.
I get dressed and curls my dirty blonde hair and do some natural makeup with a little wing at the end of my eyeliner.
I look at the clock 7:09 great timing. I walk down the stairs to the rest of the boys to see them in black skinnies with some kind of button up shirts with bow ties and hair done neatly.
They all let out wolf whistles as I walk down the stairs. I blush and walk to Ashton and he links our hands together and whispers in my ear,
"That won't be on for long." Then he pulls me and the other boys out of the house and into the car.
What a party this will be.

A/N- So pretty much they go to the party have fun. Get drunk. And screw each other. Typical parties right? (Lol)
Anyways hope you like it!
Love all you beautiful people!

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