If You Love Something Set It Free....

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I do not own any of these characters. I am not J.K. Rowling.

Previous Chapter:

"Professor... I mean Albus, please tell me Peter has payed for what he has done." The only answer he got from the headmaster was silence.


          Remus Lupin was having an normal day. Well... as normal of a day as a werewolf whose crazy best friend always forced him to come to his demented childhood toture chamber..... I mean home.
          "MOOOONNNYYYY", yelled Sirius Black, Azkaban prision escapee, who Remus was pretty sure was driven a little crazy in prision. "MOOOONNNNY", came the yell again so he went upstairs."What", he snapped at his best friend. "Well.. I was just wondering if you could take me outside as Padfoot, no one will suspect a thing." "Are you joking?", he replied, " Remember at King's Cross where a certain Death Eater happend to recognize you and tipped of the Ministry!" "Yeah well this time, Malfoy won't be there and we will be fine", the dog animagus argued.
"Sirius you do realize that Lucius Malfoy isn't the only Death Eater." "Yeah", said Sirius looking very violated, "I'm not stupid." "You are not going out of this house, Sirius. What happens if you are caught. You get kissed and I'm alone again. What about Harry. Do you know how upset he would be if you were caught.", the werewolf scolded as the dog animagus sighed in defeat. "Fine", Sirius said, "for Harry, not for you.", Stomping out of the room in anger.
            Remus sighed and shook his head. What was he ever going to do with that dog. Sirius did not have an ounce of common sense towards that kind of subject. His weakness was definetly his tendency to make rash decisions. Sirius already got himself chucked in Azkaban for that, he wasn't about to let his only childhood friend left hurt himself and others because of a rash decision he decided to make. He pulled out a copy of the Daily Prophet and was about to burn it, when he saw an owl tapping on the window. He took the letter from the owl and it read,

Meet me in my office with Sirius at 12:00
-Albus Dumbledore

"Well", he thought, "I guess I better go tell Sirius."


           "Albus?", The hazel eyed man questioned again. "All will be explained later, James. I have just sent Sirius and Remus a letter to come see me here in my office. It would be helpful James if you could wait in another room so they don't harm you.", answered the old man as the younger one walked into another room.
            All of a sudden the fireplace erupted, and a man with a sandy shade of hair that was streaked with grey and amber eyes walked out and said, " You wanted to see us, Albus?", as the green flames burst from the fireplace and another man with black hair and gray eyes walked out.

A/N- I appreciate the positive feedback everyone! Thank you to everyone who read, voted, or commented on this story! I am so happy. I will start to update more often as you see. I am very excited to see where this story goes. Thanks Everybody!!!! I decided to upload this chapter right now, because I was an arse and didn't write for a few months!! IM SORRY PLEASE DONT KILL ME WITH YOUR PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES!!!

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