Deeper Magic

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I do not own any of these characters all credit goes to J.K. Rowling

Previous Chapter:

"Lily...... Harry..... Th - they're d-dead. I failed them. I tried to protect them. I was so stupid. Now they're gone. They're gone forever.


        "May I ask, who are you and why are you impersonating James Potter", interrogated Dumbledore. "What?", asked the man, "LILY AND HARRY ARE DEAD AND YOU ARE ACCUSING ME OF BEING A DEATH EATER!" "I'M NOT AN IMPOSTER I AM JAMES POTTER!", he screamed. "I can say I would love to believe you, but James Potter has been dead for fourteen years.", said Dumbledore. "I've been dead for fourteen years?, questioned the man, "but I'm right here, I can't be dead!", he continued saying, "But Dumbledore, Harry and Lily are dead.", he said as he broke down. The old man continued,"Harry isn't dead." "H-he isn't", the man exclaimed,"but what about Lily", he asked. "I'm afraid to say so, but Lily is dead", as a look of intense grief made its way onto the man's face.
          "James or whoever you are may you please come to my office with me I need some answers and I need them now.", Albus said. "W-What do you mean", the man with the raven black hair said as he burst into sobs. "I need to know if you are really James, and if you are and you just came to life there is much deeper magic in this world than I thought I knew of.", and with those last words of Albus Dumbledore he apparated them both away.


          "Now sit down, James", spoke Albus as they swiftly walked into his office. "I need to use some veritaserum on you to be sure you really are James Potter. Is that fine with you?", Albus questioned as the man nodded his head.
         Albus Dumbledore put a few drops on the man's tongue and asked, "What is you name?" The man replied, " James Potter, or as nicknamed by my friends it would also be Prongs." "Who is your wife?", asked Albus. James replied, "Lily Evans or Lily Potter after I married her." Finally, the old man asked,"Do you have any children and what are their full names?" James truthfully answered, "I have one son and his name is Harry James Potter." "It really is you", Albus said as tears started rolling down his cheeks.

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