No one can fix my pain

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So here's the first Chapter hope you enjoy!

Parisa's POV

Week was our day off , from studio, signing, touring, everything. We were going to back home to our families and spend it there. Which means I was going to sit in my room, with the door locked and cry. Now that  my mums dead all I feel is pain, it's only been 1 month but I miss her so much. It hurts to even talk about it.

I hugged my bandmates good bye and got in car.

But before I shut the door, Charlie jumped into the back seat beside me. "Dad's at work, and not left me the keys, he'll pick me up from yours after he's finished." He said.

"Ok." I smiled.

"Are you okay P? You've not been the same lately, you know you can talk to me." He said half way through the journey.

"I'm fine honestly." I lied.

I knew I should of told Charlie, but I didn't. I just couldn't tell him my pain, especially  when my dad and sister were in the front of the car.

"You sure." He asked.

"I'm sure." I smiled a fake smile and lay my head on his shoulder and fell asleep for the rest of the journey.

Charlie's POV

I could see P was lying. I could see her pain. I miss the old P, I really do. Anyway I suppose I should wake her up since we're here.

"Parisa." I whispered in her ear. "We're here."

She rubbed her eyes and sat up properly. I climbed out the car pulling her with me and opened the boot of car and lifted my case out then hers and carried them into the house.

P went straight to her room. I followed her up the stairs and into the room. Maybe she'd tell me what was wrong.

I got to the door as she shut it. I tried the handle but it was locked.

"Let me in" I banged on the door.

But after about 10 minutes I took a hair pin from Zahra's room and picked the locked.

P sat on the floor crying her eyes out.

"P." I sat sitting beside her.

"Go away, and lock the door." She said turning away from me.

"No." I said but I did close and lock her bedroom door.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

But I didn't get a reply she just buried her head in my chest and cried.

"Hey, tell me what's wrong and I'll try to fix it." I said and rapped my arms around her, hugging her tight.

"'t" She stumbled her words.

"Why don't we get my mac book from my case and watch some Harry Potter." I said.

She nodded.

I let go of her and went downstairs to get my Mac book.

"Charlie, dad's going to drop me off at Matt's then he's going out somewhere, so tell p that it's only you too in, so when you go to lock up." Zahra said rummaging about In a cupboard.

"Alright, I will." I said and grabbed my Mac book and from my bag.

"Got it." I entered P's room and closed the door.

"Oh Zahra said when I go to lock up because she's going to be at Matt's and your dad's out somewhere." I told her logging onto my laptop.

We jumped onto p's bed and cuddled up with the duvet together. I swear if anyone that didn't no we were best friends walked in here, they'd think we were a couple by the way we were sitting and cuddling together. But honestly p's my best friends, the sister I never had, I love her... In a friendly way of course.

My phoned beeped half through the second movie. I looked at the screen, Lauren.

From Lauren

Hey babe, here you've got a break this week. Dinner tonight? L xx

I really needed to go. I hadn't seen my own girlfriend in almost a month. So I texted back.

From Charlie

Hey! Sure dinner tonight, Nandos please🙏🏻 c xxx

And texts continued arranging tonight's dinner.

"P, I'm gonna go make lunch. Any requests?" I untangled myself from P and stood up.

"Surprise me" she said.

I entered the kitchen and started to cook some sausage sandwiches for us.

Parisa's POV

Charlie went to make lunch so it was just me upstairs.

I paused the film and went to the bathroom.

I looked at the raiser on the sink. I couldn't could I?

This was like déjà vu. I done all this 2 weeks ago and no one noticed.

Then the voices appeared again

"One cut and all the pain goes."

"Come in Parisa you can do it"

"No more pain"

They got loader and loader inside my head. I screamed. Then realised Charlie might of heard me, he can't find out I'm doing this he can't.

I smashed the raiser into pieces and picked up the blade.

"Do it!" A voice in my head shouted.

"No" I screamed "you can't make me"

"All the pain goes." Another voice yelled.

And with that I placed the raiser on my wrist....


So first Chapters done!!
What do you think?
Is Parisa going to cut, or can Charlie find her in time?

Please tell me your thoughts on this. Comment and vote. As Well!!

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