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| Ricky's POV |

~6 weeks later~

"THANK YOU, NASHVILLE!" Chris yelled into his mic, then accompanied me in running off stage.

The house lights went back up while techs took Ryan and I's guitars, & Devin's bass. We're about two weeks into the tour for our newest album, which was just released. The fans absolutely love it!

Chris suddenly slammed his lips against mine as he almost knocked me off my feet. I settled into it, kissing my amazing boyfriend. He was just as sweaty as me but I didn't care.

"You were amazing tonight!" He smiled brightly at me.

"Not as amazing as you." I replied, pecking his lips again. My hand fell in his as we started to walk back to the green room to change out of our stage clothes.

"Did you two have to pretty much have sex on stage tonight?" Ryan teased, referring to a point during the set where Chris grinded against me and licked my face. Probably didn't help that he did it during Dead As Fuck.

"I think he's just jealous he's single." Devin snickered, fiddling with his phone. He raised it up, getting the kind of smile he only does for his husband and daughter. "Hey Babe."

"Are you Facetiming them?" Balz asked.

Devin glared at him like he was a moron. "No, I'm just talking to my phone." He sarcastically remarked.

I giggled and ignored their banter. Shiloh has been working from home to stay rested. He's doing so much better! Finally he's up to a healthy weight. Bella also started Kindergarten. I think it's been harder for Devin and Shiloh to accept than it has been for her.

We reached the green room. Balz started to call Ryan-Ashley for their goodnight talk. Once Vinny and Ryan were changed, they began raiding what was left of the food the venue provided us with. Devin leaned his phone on the vanity mirror as he changed and talked to his loving husband.

I changed pretty quickly, same as Chris. He sat down on the couch to check his phone. I sat down next to him, then laid down, using his legs as a pillow.

"Make yourself comfortable." He teased me.

"Don't mind if I do." I laughed. I took a look around at our word little family. "Chris?"

He started playing with my hair, which was making me sleepy. "Yeah Baby?"

"About the whole marriage thing..."

"Damn it." He snit.

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"I was hoping you forgot. So I could surprise you with a proposal. But what about it?"

I sat up, leaning my head on his shoulder. Vinny and Ryan were wresting with each other, fighting over the last cookie from catering. Balz was saying his nightly "I love you, I'll be home soon" speech to Ryan-Ashley over the phone. Devin was telling Bella a bedtime story over FaceTime. And here I sat, in the arms of a strong, amazing man. As I looked around, what I saw, what I felt, was love.

"I just want you to know, I'm ready when you are. I love our life, and I never want to let go of this." I replied.

Chris looked up, scanning the room. He rested his head on top of mine. "I'm never letting go."

Neither am I. This life is perfect.

"Ricky, you want to say hi to Shiloh?" Devin asked me.

I smiled, getting up from the couch. I leaned on Devin's shoulder and felt so much happier to see Shiloh had his glow back to him. "Hey, you look good." I said.

"Thanks." He softly responded. "So do you. I can't wait to see you all in a few weeks."

"How much longer until we play PA?" I asked Devin.

"I have no clue." He chuckled. "Like two weeks I think."

"We'll see you then-WOAH!" I gasped mid-sentence as someone picked me up by the waist.

It took me a minute to figure out it was Chris. I couldn't stop laughed as I was threw me over his shoulder. I weakly hit his back, trying to get him to let me down.

"Sorry Shiloh," Chris told him. "But I'm dragging my little Road Kill back to the bus for cuddles."

"Understandable." I heard Shiloh laugh from Devin's phone.

"I can walk, you know. My legs do work." I said to Chris as he began to carry me out of the greenroom, and towards the buses.

"Princesses shouldn't have to walk though." He replied.

"HEY!" I retaliated towards his princess comment.

Chris chuckled. "I love youuu."

"I love you too, asshole."

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