73 | Rumors

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| Ricky's POV |

Of course my mind was swimming. What was I to expect? People are bound to make rumors. I just never thought I'd see a rumor get this big. I drove home, my phone ringing relentlessly the phone time. Chris was worried about me. I know that's what it is. He's worried I ran off. When I got in the door, I barely blinked and his arms were around me.

"I was so worried about you. Please tell me you haven't seen those rumors yet?" He asked.

"I saw them," I responded, "But I know that's all they are; Rumors. I did freak out a bit when I first saw them. That's why I didn't come home for a while. I'm sorry to have worried you."

"I'm just happy you're okay. And, I promise I never slept with that girl. I never even touched her. She tried to come onto me but I told her she was barking up the wrong tree and I am a faithful man regardless. She's tried texting and calling me since we saw her and Kuza and December's wedding."

I set my hand on his face, "Baby, it's okay. I trust you. A DNA test will prove you're the good man here. Okay? Did Korel say anything about press?"

"He said he'll let us deal with it if we want to make a public statement, but he wants it in good taste and done on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. He's worried if we did it on a news outlet they're twist our words." Chris said.

"Are you going to?" I asked.

He sighed, "I don't know. I'm going to sleep on it. I'm just so worried this is going to put a huge dent in my reputation. If I don't say anything, I look like an asshole for ignoring her. If I do, I look like an asshole for saying the kid isn't mine. Either way I'm fucked."

"You should call Ashley. Angie is one of her best friends and I don't want this situation ruining your friendship with her. I'm going to make a little post of my own. In good taste, of course." I smirked, "It's going to be okay." I stole a kiss from him. Not too short and not too long.

"I'm lucky to have you." He gently smiled as he pulled his phone out.

I giggled softly to myself to see that sweet grin. Chris excused himself to the next room to call Ash. I sat down on the couch, Clairea jumping into my lap. Hmm, do I have any pictures of Chris and I that we haven't posted? One. I have one, but it's the perfect one. It's from when I was sick and he forced me into a picture to snapchat to Devin. Posting it on Instagram, I wrote on the caption:

This picture is from when I was down sick with multiple ulcers. As you can see I wasn't all too willing to be in the picture, but it doesn't change the fact that Chris was by my side every second throughout my illness. Even when I'm not sick, he's always there for me. We've been together too many years to count, and in that time he has never cheated on me. We'll be together forever because WE LOVE EACH OTHER. Thank you to those of you that have chose to support us through this whole ordeal.

Comments, positive or negative, flooded in. Mostly they were positive though. Even though it was later, it happened to be June and most kids were on their summer vacation already. As I was reading through comments, Devin simply text me a smiley face emoji. I take that as he saw the post. Moments later Devin text me a picture of him and Lucy up together watching Adventure Time.

Chris stepped out of the bedroom. He walked over to where I laid on the couch. I sat up briefly and Chris took a seat, then I laid my head back in his lap.

"How'd thinks go?" I asked.

He sighed, "She's trying to be understanding but she still sounded unhappy with me. I get it. That's her best friend after all."

"Yeah, I get that." I said, getting tired, "Hey picture time."


"So I can send one back to Devin." I responded and pulled up the camera app on my phone.

Chris leaned down and kissed me. I giggled in the kiss because his hair was tickling me. In that moment I took a picture, checked it to make sure it was clear, then sent it to Devin. He replied simply with an AWWWWWWWWW. I sleepily laughed at his response.

"Let's get you to bed, sleepy." Chris said to me.

"I'm comfy here." I whined.

"Our bed is more comfy." He chirped.

I groaned, "Carry me."

So he did. Chris got up and picked me up. He carried me into our bedroom and laid me in the bed. How can anyone say that he's a bad man? He's amazing. I love him and I always will, in this life and the next.

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