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Soo the soneone's name was Mac  Sumith Alex.
He was the mischievous and the naughtiest one in the class. Everytime he used to make Mary laugh. There was a bitnof rivakry between Max and Sumith always regarding the possession for Mary. Whenever Alex was on leave Max used to make Mary smile but Mary's charming smile decorated her face only when it was Alex whi made her do so.
Alex was usual not a person who enjoyed studies. He was not interestwd in studies he was just famous in school only for his naughty behaviour. Every now then he got scoldings from teachers for not being silent in class.
Mary was verh good in literature and all the time got full marks in it. She was pretty wekl in all subjects exceot that shit state language class. She never understood what the mam used to explain she used to sit like  a dumb waiting for the class hour to finish up soon.
Alex was not that perfect in that language but he used to understand a bit of it as he also had joined that new school just an year before Mary joined.
As I said you things were heating uo between Alex and Mary for no reason. Mary never understood why.
Mary tried to talk to Alex but he just ignored it. 2 3 months passed in this way and finally month of november came. Mary always used to wear black jacket compulsary with her school uniform.
Max had felt for many girls but was not accepted even by a single girl. Mary came to know about this she went and explained that falling for every girl is not a good thing make your life better by studying and making life simpler and beautiful. She just said it as friend or u could say as a sister:-P
To her utter astonishment Max did the same as Mary said her to do so. She never understiid why. One day Mary saw SAM written in bold letters on Alex's hand. She wanted to ask whose that person with the name M but she couldn't ask as u know they were not speaking.
She thought for a second that maybe SAM stands for Mac Sumtih Alex but if it was his name then he should have written MSA but it was written SAM.
Mary was angry she thought that the girl with M is Alex's crush and she only said Alex not to talk with Mary.
Before knowing who she was she started to curse that girl.
The next day to her utter astonishment Alex gave a sweet smile to Mary just to say everything is good between them. Mary didnt want to lose thsi opportunity andasked directky to ALEX that what does SAM stands for!?.
Alex as usual said that its his name but Mary didnt believed him. After 2 3 days Alex accpeted that there is one girl to whom he love very much but has never confessed. Once it was sports period Shailene, Mary , Alex and some other boys bunked that class ans sat in classrooom itslef. Mary once again asked him who is she atleast give her a hint. After a lot of pleading, commands, and requests he said that the name of the girl ends with 'N'.

He also said that the girl is in the same school. There was only one girl whose name was started with M anf ends with N

Any guesses who that girl might be!!!!!!
Please vote and comment and see who is your guess
And guyss thank you for following me and for your vote
I know its just two but for me its very special!!! Thank you all
And a suggestion ONE NIGHT STAND WITH A BILLIONAIRE is an aweome book by MAD LADY
Please dear mad lady update soon!!!!!
I loved your work

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