Chapter 24 - Pardon me.

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~Toby's POV~
Where is Melody? I haven't seen her since yesterday, the day I encountered the girl. I think that Zalgo got to the girl already because of the words on her wings.. Maybe I should tell Slenderman... I'll tell him now..

I slowly walked to Slenderman's office and before I could open the door, it opened and Slenderman was standing in front of me.

"He took the girl" Slenderman said.

So he knew... How?

"Get her back at all costs, who knows how far she has gone now and how much control she has over... her." Slenderman hesitated on saying the last word.

"I'll go look for her right away." I said to Slenderman.

He nodded and I left the room, I was going to be looking for Melody.

Once I was outside, I walked to the Slender Woods and before I went inside the woods, Masky screamed at me, Hoodie was behind Masky.

"TOBY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He screamed.

"I'm going to find Melody." I replied.

"I'm coming with you." He said.

"Wait why?" I asked him, wanting to know why he actually wanted to come.

"Three people is better than one" He replied.

"Fair point. Okay, come on." I said.

We started walking into the woods and I started thinking... Clockwork and Jane have been disappearing often at night lately. I'm starting to get suspicious. Are they perhaps working for Zalgo?

We kept walking and we saw a hooded figure in the distance. She/he looked our way for about 5 and then she ran. We started chasing after her, I took out my hatchets, ready for a fight.

Now back to Melody, 5 hours before this happened.

"Huh? What happened? Where am I?" I said.

I was in an unfamiliar room, standing up for some odd reason.

I took a minute to take in all of my surroundings and of the sudden, a loud voice came figure that looked oddly familiar.. It was... him.

"Melody, it's been such a long time." He said.

It was- I actually don't know, I never learned his name or knew who he was. He was just there... How could I explain it? He's someone and I can't put my finger on who he is..

Two girls I knew very well that once attacked me came in the room. It was Jane and Clockwork.

"Zalgo we- What is she doing here?" Clockwork asked.

Zalgo? That's his name? Interesting. Such an odd name.

"Do not speak to her. She must learn to control "it" before she may talk to you or any of the others. Anyway, she's here because she is my daughter." Zalgo said, staring at me.

What does he mean by "It"? Does he mean the thing that Aer told me about?

"May I go outside with "it"?" I asked.

"Why do you want to do that?" Zalgo asked.

"To control it, I work better near nature." I said, lying a bit.

"Fine. Clockwork, follow her, make sure she doesn't do anything and change before you go. Wear hoodies so nobody can see most of your face's features." Zalgo said, eyeing me.

We got changed and I changed into a dark blue hoodie while Clockwork was wearing a green hoodie. We both put our hoods on and started walking.

I slowly walked with Clockwork outside and into the woods. While we were walking Clockwork stopped and said, "Practice here."

It was a dry and rocky area, there was no water, no grass, and to be honest it was just very dry. It was very hot as well and I couldn't deal well with hot temperature.

I made a run for it, I wasn't staying in the heat where she could potentially leave me to die in the heat, alone.

While I was running, I looked back and saw Clockwork running the other direction. WITH TOBY RIGHT BEHIND HER?!

I stopped running. Toby wouldn't hurt me, would he? Then again, he did attack me the first time we met. Oh well..

I stopped running and sat down under a tree, waiting for someone to come. After a few minutes, I heard slow footsteps. I turned around and saw Toby. He quickly put the hatchet up to my neck and said, "Pardon me, have you seen a girl pass by here in a green hoodie?"

I quickly lied and said, "No."

"Lier." He said.

He started cutting into my neck, making me bleed little by little.

"I'll ask you once more, have you seen a girl with a green hoodie?" He said, looking more serious.

"No." I said.

This time he slapped me and while slapping me, he depended the cut.

He slowly reached for my hood and brought it down.

He saw me.

"Melody? What are you doing here?"

I slapped the hatchet out of his hand and quickly ran until he was out of sight and I fainted under a nice and shady tree.

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