Chapter 30 - Learning stuff with Melru! Woo (Note the sarcasm)

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"Alright! We're here." I said with a smile, and glanced at Jun before getting my keys out of my bag and the keys to the house out.

"Okay.." He said with a small frown. "When will I be able to kill people?" He asked with a smirk forming on his face.

"Once it turns dark unless... you want to do it now and have a chance to get caught." I said as I opened the door to the house and entered.

"No.." He mumbled."Well, since it's day time, we might as well talk about controling Melru."

"Oh yeah.. I forgot about her, I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying to me." I said slightly scared that Melru would start screaming.

'Melody... StOp DoInG ThIS' Melru screamed with anger.

"W-well what should we do?" I asked, stuttering.

"It's quite simple actually, just let her take control w-" Jun said and got cut off by Melody.

"Alright." I said without listening.

'Hah.. Hah.. Idiot' Melru said. 'You shouldn't have done that.'

'Heyyyy~ You're not BEN.' I said. 'Are you trying to be like Jeff and BEN or what. Hehe.'

Melru was slowly taking control of m- I mean our body. Huh so this is what it feels like to not have a body. I was trapped in our thoughts and as I looked around and I think I saw something inside with me.

'Melru, what is that?' I asked.

'Nothing of importance, try and take over your body once again.' She said slightly irritated.

'Alright?" I said, more like questioned and took over our body.

'Ok.' She said as we continued switching back and forth with no problem.

"Now we just need a way for people to know which one of us are talking." She said with a small smile.

"But how?" I said making her small smile appear into a frown.

"Our eyes." She said with a smirk.

"How can your eyes tell anything if they're exactly the same." June popped into our conversation.

"We can change our eye colours." Melru said with a smile.

"But it only changes with our emotions." I said with a small sigh.

"That's what you think. You can actually choose the colour you want it to be." She said with a small smirk.

"Or y'know we can just distinguish you two with your voices." Jun said as he sighed.

"Or we could do that." She said with a frown appearing.

"Well, you learn something new everyday. Just today I learned a lot more than normal." I mumbled as I turned my eyes to a red colour to test it out and it suprisingly worked.

'Hah, guess I've been lied to.' I said to Melru with a frown appearing on my face.

'Oh, Aer's been lying about a lot of things, even about knowing me personally and her being your sister. Heh, you only have one sister and thats me an- huh nevermind, I've said too much.' She said stopping herself from finishing what she was about to say next. 'Everyone has been lying to us.'

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