00: the city boy

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•"The city is not a concrete jungle, it's a human zoo." 
-Desmond Morris

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It had been a horrible decision to wear jeans and a black hoodie with no shirt underneath on a day like this, he decided. The sun was ruthlessly shining down, almost as if mocking Aleksandr for his choice of clothing, making the teenager feel even more scornful than he had stepped out of the air conditioned car.

He stared out at the vast, green wasteland with a permanent glare as he heard the taxi roll away, leaving the boy completely and utterly stranded. Not 2 minutes and he already didn't want to be there, that must've been a sign that this was a terrible idea.

Aleks looked around slowly, examining the surroundings he'd have to see every day all summer. At the end of a crude gravel road was a small but quaint looking house, the only one for miles as far as he had seen, so it was unmistakable that that was where the brunette would be forced to reside for the entire summer.

He was going to unwillingly spend his summer break busting ass for his grumpy old uncle all because his mom didn't feel like dealing with him.

Aleks made an angry sound as he went to reach into his pocket to grab his phone, to text his mother and beg her to get him out though he knew it was futile. To call a friend and plead for them to pick him up even though no one would drive 9 hours to pick him up. Even to just check Facebook. Just... Anything that would distract him from the inevitable..

When he was met with nothing but empty space he nearly collapsed and decided to just give in and let sunstroke kill him.

Of course, how could he forget? His mother had snatched away any and all technology and stuffed it away in a drawer with a lock, refusing to give it back.

"You won't need it out there, Aleksandr." She had claimed so boldly. Yeah, right... He'd like to see her stay out here all summer without any of her technology, see how long she made it. Aleks highly doubted she'd last a week.

"Well, fuck..." He exclaimed aloud, letting out an exasperated sigh as he picked up his single suitcase and began lugging it towards the house in the middle of nowhere.

Aleks was a city boy, by no means was he a country goer of any kind, he wasn't one of those uncouth rednecks that waltzed around, armed with shotguns and alcohol. He didn't belong under the beating rays of the hot sun and he most certainly wasn't built for early mornings and hard labour.

This was not where Aleksandr belonged.

Just letting everyone know that I do not view rednecks like that, that's just Aleks in the story being an ignorant twat.

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