02: with your eyes

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•"You won't ever see the sky in the city as beautifully as you would in the country. You'll never see the stars shine as bright, you'll never see the sun glow as beautifully, you'll never the the colours as vibrantly, you'll never open your eyes as widely."


James hadn't bothered to try and approach Aleks after their first meeting. Aleks stayed in the room and James stayed... Wherever he wanted. Out in the field doing something, the brunette assumed, out playing errand boy.

He had ended up falling asleep, all bundled up on the corner of the bed with no pillows and only a thin blanket. It wasn't even cold and Aleks had no trouble in letting himself drift off somewhere much nicer, even if only for the next few hours.

It had come as a shock at first when he found himself flipping off the bed, his forehead hitting the hard wooden floors before the rest of his body had been weighed down. The fact that he was practically hanging off the bed anyway, Aleks suspected, made it almost impossible to not shove him right off the bed.

Aleks would be absolutely furious but if he was being honest, he would have done the same.

He had hit the wooden floor hard and rolled; the blanket's not doing anything to cushion his fall. James stood above him, a satisfied smirk spreading across his face while Aleks held his head in pain. "The fuck!?" He hissed towards the silhouette that was looming over him who looked smugger than ever.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, we've got work to do."

"What?" The teen grunted groggily. He was by no means interested in anything James wanted him to do, especially not at the hour he had been so rudely awoken. When the brunette glanced outside he was horrified to see that it was still pitch black with the slightest tinge of gold to hint sunrise, the stars still decorating that black abyss.

"We have work to do, come on, you must have at least heard of that word before." That asshole was mocking Aleks.

"I've had a job before you shithead." Aleks growled. Though admittedly he had only managed to keep the job for three weeks before being fired, James didn't know that. The stranger hummed a long 'sure' as he turned around. "What could we possibly have to do at this hour?" Aleks mumbled.

"We don't really have to get up till six but I figure you'd need the extra hour to get ready. A little early morning exercise won't hurt you." The brunette simply rolled his eyes, shooing the other out and rubbing his face.

James didn't like Aleks, he'd made that pretty clear and in all honesty Aleks didn't blame him. Aleks knew he tended to be a little bit intense, especially when it came to first meetings. He almost felt bad for the way he had spoken to the other, Aleks might have even apologised if it hadn't been for the asshole's unnecessary actions from minutes ago.

Fuck apologising to that guy.

It had in fact taken Aleks a good 45 minutes to get ready, mostly just to irritate James as much as possible more than anything though.

The first 15 spent lounging around and searching for his least cared for clothes (Aleks could only wonder what he would be made to do) and then putting them on. Then he'd spent another 20 in the bathroom, messing around with his hair, doing his teeth, cleaning his face. The last 10 minutes were spent slowly eating breakfast.

"Come on already, city boy, I didn't think you'd actually need the hour." James had groaned as Aleks finally placed the plate into the sink, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What's with the 'city boy' crap? It's stupid and not my name." Aleks sent James a glare as he began walking to the door that the taller was gesturing to with a snicker.

"Hm, well maybe when you grow the fuck up I'll respect you enough to call you Aleks." The other flashed him a grin Aleks was horrified to think was cute before ushering the brunette along.

"Fuck you." He muttered quietly, shaking his head.

"Sorry, I'm not in to bratty little teenage boys." James rolled his eyes, shoving Aleks out the door before shutting it while the brunette resisted the urge to punch the guy. Aleks could only hope he didn't actually try to because judging by the others build in comparison to his own, he figured that it would be him who was fairly likely to be the one who ended up knocked out.

Aleks glanced up and saw the sun had just about made its way above the grass hills that covered the landscape, shadows still stretching out and covering most areas that the sun had yet to bathe in its light. It was almost a little bit cold though he didn't dare complain.

"First things first we're gonna feed the animals."


"Stop bitching already, city boy." The raven haired man sneered, and with that James was leading Aleks to where he assumed they kept the animal food.

"I hate this." Aleks whispered to himself for the millionth time, catching James' attention.

"You haven't even given this place a try. It's really nice if you'd get your head out of your ass and just appreciate it." James mentioned with a raised eyebrow, to which Aleks snickered.

"What's so great about being on a shitty old farm with your annoying uncle with no Wi-Fi and a stranger telling you what to do?" Aleks glared, daring James to answer. He couldn't find a single thing to like about this place, and saw no reason as to why the other would want to willingly spend his summer there.

"Did you even look at the sunrise?" The almost stranger simply shrugged a shoulder, pointing to the horizon before continuing to walk.

As much as Aleks hated it, he had to admit that when he glanced at the way the hills looked darker as the oranges and red's and pinks danced in the sky, he found that it was in fact rather beautiful.

Though he'd never tell James that.

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