03: breathe and suffocate

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 •"Who could forget the nights we escaped our minds by running through the grass, a game of hide and seek that we'll forever play in our hearts"•


Aleks ended up spending a lot of time outside, a lot of time hiding. Sometimes from his far too gleeful uncle, sometimes to get out of that musky old house, avoiding chores or just to think. He spent a lot of time staring at the rolling hills and green paddocks, twiddling his thumbs and not doing all that much when he had the chance.

It was that calming mid-summer air that would occasionally brush through his hair as he sat under a nice, shady tree. Something about it seemed to calm the brunette's mind and ease his ever flaring temper.

It was all just... Nice.

By far the city goer's favourite place though, was the willow tree by the creak that ran through the edge of the farm. The way the leaves came down around the trunk made it the perfect place to hide away from prying eyes and the shade was perfect. There was a gap though where he had a perfect view of the gleaming creak.

It was a peaceful, serene place a good way away from that dreadful farmhouse, a good way away from his worries. What he possibly liked most about it though, was that nobody could find him, especially on the days when things just felt like they were falling apart from the smallest things.

"Where are you going, Aleks?" Petey asked from the kitchen where he was cooking dinner, poking his head out the doorway to look at Aleks as he stood half way through the sliding door.

"Just out." Aleks shrugged his shoulders in his best attempt to end the conversation before it had a chance to start. It didn't prove to be effective at all.

"Vague, aren't we?" His uncle sniggered and shook his head. "Don't you want dinner?"

"No." Please just leave me alone, I don't feel like talking.

"Are you sure? You haven't eaten all day."

"I'm not hungry." I need to be alone, today is a bad day.

"Aleks, is something wrong? Why do you want to go out so late anyway?"

"Fucking hell, Uncle Petey, I'm fine." He practically snarled, the claustrophobia of an overly inquisitive relative along with the overwhelming urge to be alone making the teen feel extra hostile.

This felt familiar, like every other night at his own mother's home, always prying and questioning everything Aleks did. He didn't have independence and it was so suffocating. Aleksandr vaguely remembered the blurry nights he spent walking alone down the never quiet city streets.

Anything to be away from his slightly over controlling family. Aleks had always assumed that this was the cause of his never being home, and this resulted in his mother shipping him away for the summer.

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