Chapter 2 Meeting the Uchiha's

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I don't own Naruto Masashi Kishimoto does

Hinata's pov

"Mommy mommy mommy!" I yelled looking for my mommy. I been looking for mommy everywhere, because today are special day. Every Wednesday mommy and I would mommy and daughter day, we have so much fun together. Usually we go to the park or go for ice cream, but my favorite was spending time in the garden with mommy.

"I'm over here Hinata-chan in the garden!" Mommy yelled through halls for me. I ran all the way down the hall, to the kitchen to open the door to the patio. I was so excited I kind of throw the door open and slip my shoes and ran to my mommy arms.

"How's my cute little girl doing today? My mommy ask me.

"I been good mommy how's was your day!" I shouted to her. Mommy laughed at my enthusiasm.

"My day's been good thank you for asking, come on I got your favorite flowers to plant Hinata-chan."

"Ok mommy." Mommy got my two favorite flowers lavender rose's and Himawari sunflowers. While mommy was getting ready I got to admire her beauty. To me mommy was the most beautiful and kindest woman in the world.

She had long dark indigo hair that reach to her waist. Porcelain skin that contrast with her hair. With olive shaped lite pupils less lavender tinted eyes, that look like the two moons. I over heard some other Hyuga woman, say mommy was very short and petite but with big breast that woman would died to have. I didn't understand what they meant, so asked mommy but she blush and said she would explain once I'm older.
Mommy and I were so busy and having so much planting, that we didn't heard the patio door open and close.

"Hitomi what are you doing!" Father yelled. Father was a little different from mommy instead of being funny and caring like mommy. Daddy was strict about family rules and didn't play as often. Daddy has long brown hair to his waist. With lite pupils less lavender eyes like mommy but there more whiter. And he's really tall, taller then mommy.

"What's wrong Hiashi-kun?" Mommy question daddy.

"Did you forget about the meeting today with the Uchiha clan head leader and their heir?"

"Oh I'm so sorry Hiashi-kun I forgot promise Hinata-chan mommy and daughter day together!" Mommy blush embarrassed that she forgot something so important.

"That's ok but please get change and get ready for the metting, and you too Hinata there someone I want you to meet."

"H-hai ok father." I stutter and blush that father wanted me to join the meeting with them.

"Come along Hinata-chan let's get changed together." Mommy said while taking my hand and lending towards the house. We pass daddy and walk in the house to get changed.

(Time skipped)

When we came out of the bathroom dress in our formal kimono's. Mommy kimono was dark blue with liac flowers, with lite purple stash. My kimono was lite blue with cherry blossom petals, with dark blue stash. We walk to the meeting room or board room that's what daddy calls it.
The board room is a really big room with big long table in the middle. It's really boring if you ask me. Mommy and I took are sits next to daddy, round the head of the table.

"You both look beautiful Hitomi-hime and Hinata-chan." Daddy smile at mommy and me.

"Thank you Hiashi-kun isn't that nice Hinata-chan daddy called you beautiful." Mommy says while rudding my cheeks together.

"H-hai tha-thank you daddy." I said. At that moment the board room open to a male Hyuga branch member.

"Sir Mr. Uchiha and his family our here." Branch member said.
"Ok bring them in." Daddy told him.

"Yes sir." The branch member left shortly afterwards a family came through the doors. An tall man with black hair and black eyes, with slightly tan skin. An a woman that was average height taller than mommy. With black eyes and long hair.

The first boy was older than me about few years, I think. The other one looks about my age. They look exactly like there parents with black eyes and hair. Except the older one had two line's going down his face next to his eyes. And the other one had weird hair that stick up like buck butt kind of.

"Hello Hiashi I would like you to meet my family. Mikoto my wife, Itachi my oldest son and our family heir, and my youngest son Sasuke." Mr. Uchiha said.

"Hello Fugako it's nice to meet you, and I would like you to meet my family. Hitomi my wife and Hinata my daughter our family heiress.

"Let's started the meeting shawl we." Mr. Fugako said.

"How about we spend the kids to play together." Mommy suggested.

"That's sounds like a good idea Hitomi!" Mrs. Mikoto excitedly yelled.

"Ok then it's decided Hinata-chan do you want to play with these to handsome boys in the garden."

"H-hai." I answered. We leave the board room and go down the hall to the garden. The garden was full of all kinds of flowers like rose's, himawari's, tulips, and cosmos, all sorts of flowers. We had big enough pond to swim in.

"Th-this is our family garden." I said while showing them around.

"This is lovely Hinata-sama." Itachi compliment me.

"Tha-thank you It-itachi sama, my mommy and I m-made this together. Oh you don't have to called me Hinata-sama, j-just Hinata."

"Ok and you don't have to called me Itachi-sama just Itachi, Hinata-chan." Wait he just called me Hinata-chan, only mommy, daddy, and grandpa called me that.

"Are you ok Hinata-chan you look a little red."

"H-hai I'm ok."

"Can I called you Hinata-chan to Hinata." Sasuke said jumping from behind Itachi-kun.

"Hai you can call me Hinata-chan." That's how I met my very first friends.

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