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My eyes darted back across the room with more urgency this time. I knew I saw her, and with this new found courage I know I have to finish my mission. I didn't quiet realize this earlier but I have to make her mine. Theres so much I don't know about her but the way her eyes light up when she hears a song she loves or the way she always raises her eyebrows when she has things that her angelic voice won't let her reveal but she wants you to understand what she means anyway, or the way her laugh can light up even my darkest days just from my memories of it or the way her lips curve up at just the right angle when she knows she told a horrible joke but you laugh anyway just to make her feel better or even-

"Jones, You ok? Your eyes are bugging out of your head and you've got that stupid smile all over your face again." my search came to a momentary stop when I realized darian was still attached at my hip, but before I could tell him I'm fine or ask if he saw which way she went he continued "listen, I know she may be with someone and I know you may not know everything about her but I know you're the best guy I've ever met and she'd be lucky to have you. Don't knock yourself out of the running. Show her what's she's missing. Don't be afraid to fall, you've got wings for a reason crow." After jabbing his finger into the all black crow tattoo on my bicep & a quick raise of an eyebrow he was lost in a sea of people most likely on his way to get a drink and mingle with the surrounding strangers.

The room sped back up and the music began to irritate my ears even more than before causing me to flinch in pain. I soon became tired of my current position next to a couple grinding embarrassingly off beat causing me to finally start my journey. I felt my strong legs take off in the first direction I thought to go, reaching my long, shaky limbs out trying to clear a path for myself. I bumped into countless people but when i felt a bult of electricity shoot though my body I knew better than to keep going.

I stood frozen trying to collect my thoughts as I realized I had no idea what I wanted to say when I did see her, but I knew my time to think was running out when flashes of blue bounced from head to head reflecting the most beautiful shade of purple after hitting the only vibrant artificially red haired head in the building. With her short size I wouldn't usually be able to see her but here she was standing on a small bar stool with her hand over her squinted eyes less that 3 feet away for me. When our eyes finally did meet all of the neon colors began to drown out as I drowned in my new favorite shade, brown. She slowly lowered her hand and allowed a faint smirk to appear on her breathe taking face, her signature dimple also made a appearance causing my racing pulse to almost become almost too much to handle.

Before I could stop myself I raised my finger up in the air and smiled, indicating my arrival. The smile, well that I didn't really have a answer for. My goofy gesture cause her to break out in a smile matching mine. As my breathe suddenly left my lungs for the billionth time since I've met her she shot me a quick wink and used the nearest stranger to help her down which lucky for me happened to be Darian. Her head disappeared from my view which made we become quite nervous but as I saw the crowd parting and closing again coming closer to me I realized she was on her way and approaching fast.

As the last person stood aside our eyes met yet again this time releasing the butterflies in my stomach I didn't even know where trapped inside. Thank god it's so dark in here! I immediately thought as I felt my face gradually heating up because of how strong her stare on me was. "Hi." We both yelled out so the other could hear over the music simultaneously causing us to both laugh and the temperature on my face to increase yet again. apparently she could feel the tension too as she slowly brought her hands out from behind her back and up to pull a strand of hair behind her ear and out of her face. My eyes roamed her body freely, considering how damn cute she always looked you'd think I wouldn't be this taken back but HOLY. SHIT. She looked particularly stunning tonight. Her white dress hugging the small curves that fit her body just right and silver jewelry drawing just enough to attention to the cluster of silver gems lighting up the top of her expensive looking outfit. Topped off with some heals that definitely gave her a few more inches to work with in the height department. She must have felt my eyes before drawing her bottom lip in between her teeth and smiling at me.
Fuck. This is definitely a new side of her and I definitely like it.

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