Like A Dream

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Slow, careful touches. Low, steady beeping. Soft, heavenly notes. Bright lights. All fighting for a response, all at the exact same time. I didn't know where I was but I knew I was in pain. My entire body feeling sore and heavy, yet light and dream like, begging for me not to move but that just wasn't an option. I had way too many unanswered questions.

The longer I fought to get back into reality the lighter I felt. Yet the throbbing the pain reminded me it was still reality. With one last breathe I used all of the strength I had to slow lift my eye lids up allowing the bright lights to get full access into my sensitive orbs. The walls were white & tubes were running across my body all the way up to the side of my head which was covered with bandages from what I could feel after I slowly ran my fingertips over the cloth like surface. I was in the hospital.

The room I had been place in was one of the nicer ones in the building I guessed from its large size and clean appearance. Everything was basically gleaming making the contrast from the darkness of the inside of my eyelids almost unbearable. A knock on the door leading to the bed slightly shifting made me realize I wasn't alone in this oversized room. "Hello Dr. Gillies, how'd the tests go? Is he going to be ok?" I quickly realized who was talking so I shut my eyes again not wanting to ruin the moment I didn't know I was a part of. "Yes, Ms. Grande. That's actually why I'm here. I know we were concerned about the increased pressure to his wound but after we inserted the tube and let the medicine do the work the swelling has went down severely and the x-rays all came up clearer than I thought. He does however have a pretty bad concussion and I would advise having someone around to monitor him and his pain for the next week or two. If the symptoms don't improve by then I expect to see him back, you hear me young lady?" The seemingly friendly Doctor stated back. All of this sudden information about my current state make me realize just how much pain I was in as it all hit me in yet another wave, I don't even really remember what happened.

"Yes Stev... I mean DOCTOR Gillies," Ariana giggled back "I promise to take care of him, thank you for getting us in so quickly and making sure we had privacy, especially since the press has been all over me since the whole bar fight, break up thing." She confessed seeming annoyed over the whole situation. I felt increasingly guilty and even more helpless, the aching in my chest quickly became my second largest ache.

"No problem Ari!" The doctor easily breathed back. "I know how good of a friend you are, I made it my priority to make sure you and your friend here felt comfortable, I trust him in you hands." I could practically hear the smiled on his lips which only made me confused but before I had time to over think anything the easy conversation picked back up.

"I'll pretend that I didn't hear you change the word like that and that I'm not going to murder Liz when I see her! Speaking of Liz tell her I said hi and to call me please, I haven't heard from her since last night and I already miss her dark humored self." This statement lead both of them to break out in a quick burst of laughter.

"I'm sure you'll probably see my precious daughter before I do but I'll keep that in mind, but back to Mr. Crow, the medicine should be wearing off soon and if he wakes up in pain don't be alarmed." Too late. I thought as a wave more aggressive than the last crashed against my skull, causing my to jump slightly in my bed. This sudden movement caused both head to quickly turn in my direction. "SHIT" Ari screeched as she rushed to my side. "Jones listen to me can you open your eyes for me? Just open your eyes if you hear me." Of course I could hear. But everything was just so heavy... I tried to move my hand up to signal I needed a second to follow through with the command but the moment I raised it up a small hand clutched it softly immediately sending a rush of comfort thought my body. "He moved! HOLY SHIT STEVE! HE MOVED!" A smile spread across my face as I opened both of my eyes more confidently than last time. This time I was able to actually keep them open for more than a few seconds as my blurred vision slowly faded out.

"Holy shit, huh?" I whispered in my surprisingly rough voice. My throat was on fire but before I could say anything else the browned eyed girl was already opening a water bottle with her free hand and slowly letting the substance pass my lips. I opened my mouth to say thank you but was cut off with a small nod and a face eating smile. "Well if it isn't the big crow on campus! Or should I say in this wing?" The smiling Doctor joked resulting in all 3 of us breaking out in giggles. Mine however were cut short by another sharp pain. "Ok sorry, no more jokes. Now that you're awake I should probably explain what's going on right?" I nodded yes letting him know I was with him but still trying to avoid anymore strain to my throat. "Alrighty. Well after your fall Ms. Grande here brought you in to see me, and you were pretty banged up. But don't worry nothing that required surgery just some swelling. Oh and a pretty bad concussion."

"Well at least it's not too bad, I just feel like I'm being bashed in the head every once and a while." I tried to joke back causing the doctor to smile but Ariana to clutch my hand a bit tighter.

"Yeah bud I know. The pain will be a problem but don't worry I have the best nurse in the business who set aside the next two weeks just to take care of you." I raised an eyebrow in confusing letting him know I was confused when I was met with a smile & a pat on the shoulder I turned my look to the red head by my side. With a smile and a quick thank you and a promise to be back with release forms & medication he was gone. "What nurse is he talking about?" I asked Ariana looking at her directly for the first time since I woke up. "Technically I needed the time off since scooter and I decided I should get a break from the press harassing me and victorious ending but I guess I can baby you until you're feeling better." She responded while she starred at her hand held in mine.

Up until this point I hadn't really noticed the machines hooked up into me but when my eyes flew even more open and I heard the beeping increasing I realized I was in danger. "WAIT... You? You're my nurse?" I whispered as it all began to make sense to me. "Yes sir! Now you keep that pulse down before I have to take you home & lecture you on how to stay healthy and safe." Fuck. I was busted. Before I spoke up to try to save myself she began taking again "Save it camera man, it's cute. Also... Don't think I didn't realize why you came rushing down after that sweet moment we shared even though I left you for a total asshole which I'm really sorry about by the way, and how a fallen crow CONVENIENTLY came to my rescue by knocking that chair over. So you get a pass, but you try being cute again and so help me I will tease you for the rest of your life." She warned with a fake glare as she tried to keep her smile hidden.

"Only on one condition." I quickly suggested, laughing at her sudden interest as she finally pulled her eyes away from our hands. "What is it?" She asked as she tilted her head which only made me smile more. "When I was half awake I'm pretty sure I heard you singing, is that true? Was it you or was I dreaming?" She quickly tore her eyes away from mine and down to her lap. Only making me miss our eye contact even more. I swiftly raised my free hand to gently pull her closer and pull the hair out of her blushing face. "I'll take that as a yes." I said when I was certain I had her full attention. "Now if you pull any of that cute shit again I promise I'll make sure you never stop."

(It's me)
Once again I did not proof read this & I'm also sorry for taking so long to update. (((Again))) hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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