Chapter 3

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Im so sorry that this took forever but my summer is almost over so i have been trying to make the best of it. Again im sorry and i hope you enjoy this chapter. And a reminder there can be new characters joining this story so keep your eyes open.

/Xiumin's pov/
I got her order in and I suddenly felt the need to do this. I took a napkin that i would give her with her coffee and muffin and started to write down something. I felt so embarrassed but still felt the need to this even if it was a little cheesy.

I took the napkin and put it a little under her coffee mug and started to walk towards the table she sat at. She looked up and gave me a smile in which of course I returned. I turned around a started to walk away, i just hope she sees the napkin but at the same time i don't.

/Autumn's pov/

As I waited I thought about him, I don't know why i did but it just happened. I started to think about his eyes and his smile. They were both so cute and captivating at the same time. I was about to get out a journal I brought with me but then he suddenly came with my coffee and muffin. I gave him a warm smile which he returned. It made me almost want to faint but I stayed calm which really surprised me.

He walked away slowly and i picked my coffee to drink a suddenly saw the napkin. It had writing on it? I was confused but started to read it. It made me smile so much that i probably looked like an idiot but I didn't care. i placed next to me and finished my breakfast so i could get to school.

When i was done i placed the napkin in my purse and walked out of the café. I was hoping i would see him again but he was gone. Maybe his shift was over, i guessed hoping it was correct. I put in my headphones and made my way to the school.

/time skip/

It didn't take very long to get there but when i did it felt like high school all over again. There were dorms and lockers and groups. I never really fit in with any of the groups in high school so I wouldn't think that this would be different to me.

I went to the office to get my locker number so i can go to the classes and be done with it. I wanted to be at school but didn't necessarily like the people there because I didn't have to. I went to my locker and saw what looked to be a very cheerful girly girl.

She was opening the locker next to mine so i guess we would see each other quite often. I opened my locker and saw her peeking around i guess she must be shy or something so i close the door a little and introduce myself.

"Hi my names is Autumn." I said with a smile
"Oh hi I'm Hye Mi." she said with a calm yet kinda shy voice. i guess i was wrong she seemed to me a person with a caring and a little shy personality.
"So i guess we are locker mates huh."
"Yup it seems so." she smiled with a nice smile.
"So what classes are you taking?" I asked in a friendly tone and that is when she got excited.
"Photography i really love it, it is one of my favorite things to go."
"Wow me too i love photography and im taking it too."
"Wow indeed maybe we can be friends?" She asked with a smile.
"Ya I'd like that." i smiled too and we both went back to putting things in our lockers.

/Xiumin's pov/

My shift was over so i started walking to the school. All i could think about was her, Autumn was beautiful she had some acne but it didn't matter it was only a little and everyone gets it even me and I'm an idol going to collage.

I finally got to the school even though it's not far away. I knew it was going to be like high school that's why i joined. I missed it a little even though I'm in a crowd of people almost everyday. I walked through the doors and went to the office to get my locker number. i went out and found my locker with someone standing beside it.

I didn't know who it was but i wanted to meet him i was hoping we could maybe be friends. I know i have 11 at home but i wanted someone that i didn't know everything about already. (a/n i know Kris Luhan and Tao are gone but i want to at least pretend that they are still all together)

"Hi I'm Kim Minseok but you can call me Xiumin what's your name?" I extended my arm for a hand shake.
"Im Himchan nice to meet you." He extended his and we shook hands.
"What class are you taking?" He asked with a curious look.
"Photography what about you?"
"Photography as well actually." He said with a small smirk.
"Well this is exciting a new friend in the same class i am." i said excitedly
"Yup wanna get going?"
"Yes!" I said even more excited he just laughed and we were on our way.

I hope this was a good update since I haven't updated in a while. Like my new characters you will get to know them more in the next chapter. and as for the note on the napkin i think I'll save that for later. Bye <3

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