Chapter 5

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I hope the last chapter was interesting and gave some info about the new characters.

/Autumn's pov/

Me and Hye Mi entered the class and only a couple other people were here so we talked and got to know each other. I know that she is going to be living in the dorms and wants to spend the rest of her life taking pictures in city's and forests. She knows that i love photography and ill take pictures of anything picture worthy.

Me and Hye Mi kept talking until we heard really load laughter and we turned around to see what it was. There were to boys and one of them was.... "HIMCHAN!!!" I screamed and ran over to him and hugged him. While Hye Mi screamed "XIUMIN!!" and ran to the other guy. We all separated and i saw that Xiumin was the guy who gave me coffee...and that note.
"You know each other?" We said in sink except we were pointing at different people.
I was pointing at Hye Mi and Xiumin his name was,
Himchan was pointing at me and Hye Mi,
Hye Mi was pointing at Himchan and Xiumin,
And Xiumin was pointing at me and Himchan.
It was quite funny and we all started laughing. But we kinda went into our own conversations me and Himchan were catching up because me and him were best friends in Middle school but then i moved to America.

And Hye Mi and Xiumin were what i heard best friends in Middle till High school which kinda heart to hear cause...wait no I can't like him Autumn you just met him this morning. But he gave me a cute note, but i have only known him since this morning i can't possibly like him.
But then he talked to me.
"Hey Autumn" he said with that cute smile of his wait no i don't like him.
"Hey Xiumin was it" he nodded, wait that name sound familiar is he from...EXO!!
"The...the Xiumin from Exo" i said with D.O eyes. Again he nodded
Wow i rlly like Exo's music like a lot but why is an idol here taking a photography class.
He probably saw my confused expiration and said
"Im taking it just for fun but i plan on passing" he said with a chuckle which made me chuckle too.
"But wont you be busy with your schedule and don't forget i saw you working at the coffee shop too. How will you keep up?" I said with curiosity but seriously wouldn't he be busy?
"I make time for studying but i work at the coffee shop for fun. My parents run it so i can work whenever." Again saying it with a smile and a chuckle probably because of my confused and curious expression that caused me to blush so i put my head down so he wouldn't see. But i noticed Hye Mi doing the same thing when talking to Himchan. I dont know how they met but they liked each other for sure and that made me laugh. I guess Xiumin did to and laughed with me.
"So are you moving into the dorms?" I asked with curiosity
"I dont know it depends if my manager lets me, how about you?" He asked
"Probably, i dont know yet but most likely yes." i said with a half smile
"That's good to know." He said with a half smile as well
*Ding Ding Ding*
"Looks like class is about to start." Himchan said looking at Hye Mi
"Wanna sit together?" He asked Hye Mi which i thought was cute.
"Sure" she said with her face blushing a little
Then Xiumin sat down and gestured to the empty seat next to him asking for me too sit which of course i did.
"They are so cute" He said in a high pitch excited voice in which i laughed at
"Yeah they are" i said with another little giggle.
"Hello class"

*time skip to lunch*

Class had ended and we didn't do much just reviewed a couple if techniques to take pictures. All four of us had gotten along and i was thinking we were going to be really good friends. We sat down and looked at eachothers plates and realized we all got the same thing.
We all looked at eachother and laughed then started to eat our food and talk about the class and if we are staying in the dorms.
"So you moving into the dorms?" Himchan asked
"I am." Hye Mi said
"Depends if my manager lets me which he probably wont." Xiumin said with his elega.. No Autumn you don't like him you cant like him he is an idol and has already been asked by like 100 girls for autographs, plus he couldn't like me im just an ordinary girl nothing special about me.
"So are you moving into the dorms Autumn?" Hye Mi asked me making me snap out of my thinking world.
"Probably" i said
"You should cause then we could bunk together" she said with a cute smile.
"Ya that would be cool sure ill live there with you." I said and then she started to get excited and clapped her hands.
"Lets get the paperwork tomorrow morning before class." She said with another smile.
"Okay" I said smiling back at her.

*time skip*

School was over and we were saying goodbye.
"See you tomorrow Autumn bye boys" Hye Mi said and got in her car
"Bye girls cya Xiumin" Himchan said and drove off too his house
"Bye" me and Xiumin said he wasn't in a car so i figured he was walking back to the dorm.
"Hey Autumn can i have your number" he asked blushing a little i was a bit shocked he asked but i nodded my head and i gave him my phone and he gave me his.
I saved my information and took a picture for the contact photo. I smiled then took it.
"Bye Xiumin text you later" I said with a sweet smile.
"Bye Autumn text you later" he said with a cute smile then we headed in separate directions.

Hey people im sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been trying to think of what to write but I couldn't think of anything. So hope you liked it. And about my fandom name since my user is Woozi-XOXO i figured ill just call you guys XOXO's it's what me and my twin unnie (ill tag her in the comments) thought of. I'll update next week. Bye XOXO's!

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