Chapter 7

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I get woken up to what seems like a thousand tiny mice legs running through the flat, but that is not the case. I look over to see Megan typing furiously into her keyboard.

"I'm glad you are awake. I thought you would sleep all day. It's noon if you are wondering," Megan says as she seems to have read my mind. "I didn't want to go to work until you were up so you wouldn't freak out. There is bagels on the counter and I will see you around 6."

She gives me a quick hug and leaves to go to her job. It seems like she had a busy day, but I am glad that I could see her this morning, reminds me that I'm not alone. She's my ride or die. Us against the world, as she would say.

I go onto my social media to see if I have missed anything in my absence. Twitter, in particular, seems to be buzzing about something as if a bomb exploded in the main frame. That was not the case, but it might as well have been.

The next thing I see is this:

@Harry_Styles: she's it. she's all I need. she's all I want. if only I could find her. if you're out there, I will find you. in the meantime, all the love. H

What?!? Did he really just tweet that for millions of people to read? Does he really want to find me? Does he really care that much? This must mean he felt the same spark that I did.

I jump out of my seat, scaring the living daylight out of Poppy, Megan's cat, who seems to be not too impressed with my outburst. Poppy doesn't get it, but seriously who would? I am on top of the world and I don't care who hears it.

The first thing I remember doing is calling Megan screaming at the top of my lungs, basically breaking her ear drum. I yell, "did you see his tweet?" "In fact I did, but I wanted to give you time to cool down, which obviously hasn't happened." I hear her chuckle at the end of the line.

"Should I tweet him, so that he knows it's me? Oh wait. That wouldn't work because every other girl on this planet is tweeting at him right now." Megan responds, "every other girl on this planet besides me, but yeah, we are gonna need another plan."

"I'll let you get back to work. Maybe we will have time to think of the master plan." We say our goodbyes and I fall back into the couch with a loud huff. I decide I actually need to get some work done before the weekend hits tomorrow, so I walk to Kensington Gardens. I will be able to take really nice pictures for my blog while relaxing at the same time.

I'm not in my never land for too long before I run into some subscribers who watch my YouTube channel. They were some of the sweetest girls I had ever met. They ask for several pictures and comment on the amazing One Direction concert, which I am happy to fangirl with them about. Although we talk about pretty much the whole thing, I conveniently leave out the whole Harry situation. It is need to know and they do not need to know.

I walk for an hour or so after I depart from the girls, allowing myself to recenter after a crazy few days. Megan calls to check in, making sure I ate something today. She is probably worried that I am stressing myself out to an unhealthy level. I'm happy that she cares enough to be here when I'm a lunatic and I love her for that.

After I return home and finish my blog post, I play with Poppy for a while. Megan's cat might be strange, but how could someone not be happy when they are playing with a fluff ball that purrs?

Is that rain I hear? I pier out the window to see a downpour of rain that has begun to hit the pavement. I have never been too good with storms and that is one of the many reasons I need a flat mate. I couldn't deal with everything that comes with hard rain and lightning storms. I don't worry too much as Megan should be home in the next hour. Maybe she will even bring soup.

Next thing I know, a sopping wet Megan bursts through the door, with chicken noodle soup I might add. Even before I can grab it out of her hand, she says, "I figured it out."

I can see the determination in her eyes that lets me know that Harry and I will find our way back to each other.

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