Chapter 8

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"I leaving tomorrow to see Luke. It's a very last minute plan because I just got two weeks vacation, but you could come with me. I'm sure Harry would be thrilled to see you. More than thrilled, actually," Megan suggests. I don't even answer her before I run and tackle her to the ground for her amazing idea.

I start to jump and yell once I give her the chance to breathe. But now I'm all wet, which is not comfortable. I couldn't care less at this point though.

"Let me call Luke to tell him the good news," Megan chuckles as she jogs into her bedroom to change. She's on the phone for a half an hour before she comes back out. It's not that it's unusual for her, but her mannerisms when she comes back out are slightly changed. She isn't her perky self. It's more like she acting like nothing happened to keep my spirits up, but I know something is wrong. Deciding it is better not to push it, I heat up the soup Megan brought home.

When she comes into the kitchen, I say, "we should have a lazy, yet intense, Mario Kart battle night with yummy soup. The rain isn't stopping anytime soon." "Great idea, but we do have to leave at 7 tomorrow morning to make the plan. Be packed and ready to go." She adds a smile, keeping up the act.

Before we know it, we are about to go to sleep, preparing ourselves for the short flight to Birmingham. They had a show there last night, but have a few days before they leave for Manchester.

We exit the plane and in a second, Megan has left my side. I see her sprinting towards Luke, who gracefully catches her in his arms and he spins her as if they are in a movie. They stay in each other's embrace for several seconds before kissing, then release to allow Megan to give a tight squeeze to Michael, who stands beside Luke.

I clumsily walk up, continually tripping over my suitcase. We exchange small hugs before I suggest that we should go meet up with Harry and the other boys. The three of them look at each other with weary eyes. They all seem to be wanting to say something, but can't find the right words. I see a tear escape from Megan's eye as Luke swoops in to wipe it off.

Megan chokes out the following, "Harry fell hard on stage last night. He got a concussion. He's fine, I mean sort of. As fine as you can be when you hit your head."

Thats horrible, but they made it seem like it was the end of the world. Harry will be okay. We can fight this together. I give her a questioning look before she elaborates.

"He can't remember the last week of his life."

In one sentence, my breathe is taken out of me. Once again, I have him in my life, in the palm of my hands, and he is ripped away. Megan reaches her hand out for mine, but before she can grab it, I fall to my knees. I seem lost in a storm of my own tears. I thought I had left the fears behind in London when I saw the lightning crack from my window last night.

Megan kneels next to me, lifting my head. Although I don't clearly remember what she said, I can say that they made me feel safe, like I wasn't so alone. Megan sits behind me, braiding my hair, recalling funny memories we have shared while in our London flat.

Every once in a while, I can sense her glance up at the two boys, who look at her with such admiration. They love her with all their hearts. I almost feel angry before I realize that caring for someone is just as hard as not having someone to love. The pain of missing someone is the same pain as being lonely.

After about 20 minutes, Megan says, "let's take a trip down to the hospital. We need to stop by sooner or later." We all agree and we slowly walk towards the car. Megan and I walk hand in hand as Luke has his arm around Megan. We look like a dysfunctional little family as we walk through the airport. We get some strange looks, but we just laugh it off. Why do these random people matter? Especially today?

We arrive at the hospital. Luke and Michael go in as Megan and I wait at the doors. "Sarah, are you okay?" "I don't know. I'm scared of what will happen in his room. He most likely won't remember me, but he could remember you. I don't know how I will take that. Like for once in my life, can something go my way and not yours?" It comes off kind of bitter, but I don't mean that. Megan looks down, trying to swallow any hurt she feels, and pulls me in for a hug. "You will get through this, no matter how much it hurts."

We enter the building and ask the closest nurse where Harry's room is. Megan goes in first. Both of us feel that it could help him remember me if he remembers her.

Once she goes in, I can immediately see his face light up. He remembers everything about her, every feature, every smile. For the second time, a pit of jealousy rises up in my stomach. I want what they have and it is always sitting just out of my reach. I can hear them laughing, probably about when he ran straight into her at the bar.

Luke seems to notice the sadness that has come over me. He slowly inches towards me, feeling the need to comfort me. His next words comfort me more than I ever though possible. He says, "the doctors think that he can remember everything in time. They just don't know how long."

Megan comes to the door, beckoning us to follow her. I enter the room, taking in everything around him. Then, at last, I look at him. Even with a concussion making him a little loopy, he is still beautiful. I am almost lost as I stare at him and into his eyes. The next phrase toke me out of my daze and threw me into reality.

Harry turns to Megan and asks, "who is this girl?"

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