Chaper 2

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I wasn't really in the mood of a celebration dance when Grace was so happy with my results, but I was still in the mood for some food. So I drive to in and out. I only have 40 minutes before my lunch break is over so I waste no time. I get out of the car when I reach my destination and walk in the doors of in and out. It's very empty especially for in and out, and especially since it's Friday, and it's lunch time. What the heck? It's usually full in 5 minutes. Whatever I'm not complaining. I got my food and sat closest to the back. It was only me and a group of 7 guys in odd attires. Clearly it was either a celebrity or a band. I mean no one wears a beanie when it's almost 40 degrees outside. When the guys notice that there's clearly no one coming to in and out they take off they're disguises. And- oh ajsumw it's One Direction AND Zayn. I slowly grab my camera and take a few snaps before continuing to eat my lunch.

So I may see celebs almost everyday but just because I do doesn't mean I'm use to it. I'm definitely not.

"We meet again, beach pap" says an Irish accent breaking my thoughts.
"Oh hey scaredy cat" I tease
"I wasn't scared! I could have beat you up if I wanted to" he protested with a little pout getting the attention of his band mates.
"Now now little nialler" I start.
"You better turn that smile upside down or the tickle monster will go after you" I say in a voice as if I'm talking to a 3 year old. His frown turned into a grin with little pink cheeks and he chuckled a bit.

"So what's your name?" He asks brushing off the fact that I just made Niall Horan blush. "Isabelle, but call me bells please" I managed to squeak out.
Because I mean helloooo Niall Freaking Horan just asked me for my name. He probably just thinks I'm a fan. Shoot I shouldn't have called him Niall. But then again who doesn't know who Niall Horan is.
Niall waves a hand into face breaking me from my thoughts.
"Earth to Bells" he jokes. Ughhh his smile. He's too perfect.
"Oh! My lunch break is over." I say standing up. "I better get back to work" I finish giving him a smile.

"Wait!" Niall calls. "Will I ever see you again?" He asks. I smile.
"It depends how long you're staying in California." I say. "I'll be here for quite a long time" he says with a wink. Ughhhhh I'm going to melt. Don't blush don't blush don't blush Ughhh too late for that.
I walk out of in and out before Niall notices me blush. I head into my car and literally drove for my life back to headquarters.

Meanwhile back in headquarters..

"You are late" says Grace. "I know I know I'm sorry I bumped into One Direction an-" I start but Grace cuts me off. "YOU BUMPED INTO ONE DIRECTION? Did you get any pictures?! Please tell me you got some pictures" she rambled. "I did I did, I think they're going to do one last song with Zayn. In the new album I mean." I say "PERFECT HEADLINE ISABELLE!" Says Gracie. "It's almost 3 Isabelle, if you want you can take the rest of the day off" smiles Grace. "Thanks so much Grace!" I say as I walk out the door.

Down the hall a bit more is where everyone else's office is. Mine is in the middle of the circus. And right across is Genna's office. I walk into hers first knowing her schedule she didn't have any meetings today.
"Ready to go?" I ask
"Mhmm" she says scribbling a few notes down.
"You didn't happen to meet Niall Horan today did you?" She asked
"I might have" I replied.
"Well you're all over Twitter and instagram" she says
"Crap! For real?!" I ask
"For real, come look" she says gesturing me to come closer.

Niall Horan spotted with possible new Girlfriend??

Today at around noon Niall Horan and band mates were spotted at In and Out. Niall and a young female were getting a bit flirty as pic down bellow shows Niall blushing?
Looks like Niall Horan is no longer single ladies!

What the actual fuck?

Hai haiii hope it's alright:/
I dunno let me know if I should change anything to make it better! Thanks guys!

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