Chapter 3: Did he really?

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Har har :3 Here's chapter 3! And that's a pic of Rachel on the side!


I shouted so loud that the entire cafeteria heard me including Sam. I looked over at Sam and he looked shocked that I yelled that loud. Kian's mouth was open wide in shock. My cheeks turned red in embarrassment. I nibbled on my sandwich trying to avoid this awkward moment.

Rachel giggled. "I didn't know that you could get that loud, Harper."


I tried to take a swallow of water to calm myself down, but I ended up choking on it instead. After a few minutes I was somewhat okay again and went back to freaking out over this.

"Did he really?!" I exclaimed.

Rachel giggled. "No! But now I know that you really do like him!"

Damn you Rachel. "I don't like him!"

"Yes you do."

"Well thanks for tricking me!"

"It was my pleasure," Rachel said with a bow.

"I hate you right now."

"And you love Sam right now!"

"Hypothetically speaking, if I did like Sam which I don't, it would never happen, Rachel!"

"And exactly why not, Naomi?"

I looked down in defeat. "I'm not his type."

"And what exactly is 'his type'?" Rachel did air quotes as she said this.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Talkative, fun, funny, sweet....popular?"

Rachel rolled her eyes as if I said one of the dumbest things in the world. "You just said what I think was the dumbest thing I have ever heard. There is nothing wrong with you Naomi! You're beautiful, smart and fun!"

I blushed. I always get embarrassed when anyone gives me a compliment, no matter who it is and in this case it was Rachel. I gave her a half smile.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me! Just go for it! Ask him out!"

She pointed over at him and he was alone, buying a water. This would be a good time while he isn't around his friends. I guess I could just go over there and pretend like I'm going to buy a water too so he won't think that I'm creeping on him.

"Stop hesitating Naomi! Just go! The worst he could say is no and then you'll get over it in time. But think positive!"

I was shaking with nervousness and I could barely move. My heart was beating out of my chest and I was having trouble breathing. Suddenly, I felt someone pulling me up so that I was standing. I turned around and of course it was Rachel. She then pushed me in his direction.

"Naomi, you're done with all of this shy shit. You are going to talk!"

She's right. Me being this shy is ridiculous. I really needed to stop this nonsense and now was the perfect moment to do this. I was about to ask out the guy that I've been in love with for 4 1/2 years. With a sudden burst of confidence, I began walking away and toward Sam Pottorff.

When I was right behind him, he seemed frustrated. With a closer look, I saw that the machine wouldn't take his dollar because it was too wrinkled or something. I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around annoyed, but then his face softened when he saw me and he sent a smile my way.

"Having some trouble, huh?" I asked, actually loud enough.

Sam looked completely surprised that I actually talked that loud.

He Changed me... // Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now